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Get block variable on coords


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I've got a trouble with mods. I need to get my own variable from my own block. I've tried to do this like this:


but it's gets variable from whole class not one block. Is there any way to do this like:

world.getBlockMetadata(i, j, k)

but like this:

world.getBlockVoltage(i, j, k)


Could i do it without changing an original Minecraft code?

Gravel falling on my face!!!

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Hey it looks like you are doing something electricity related. Are you interested in using the Universal Electricity API? We try to make electricity as realistic as possible and make creating electricity in Minecraft a lot easier than doing it from scratch. Also, it will be compatible with other mods that uses UE. http://minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,61.0.html

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Uh that's looks great but since I've started playing Minecraft I wanted to make my own mod that adds electricity. And it's my first mod which I going to publish (probably). Well so far I won't use your API but it's looks pretty awesome!

Gravel falling on my face!!!

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That's ok. But how would you be different from Industrialcraft, Redpower and those big guys?


I have been looking for add-ons writers for Universal Electricity. Writing an add-on doesn't mean your mod belongs to Universal Electricity or anything. You still own everything you created. Using the API simply allows your mod to be compatible with some other Universal Electricity add-ons (not a lot because UE is still a very young mod). You can publish it whatsoever and all rights (including making money out of it) are reserved for you :) Universal Electricity is an open source project that Darkguardsman and I are working on and we will really appreciate if you reconsider it, It will give you a good starting ground since this is the first mod you are creating and a lot of interfaces are built-in. :P


And of course if you decide for now not to use the API, you can always use it anytime in the future. We're trying to make all electricity-based add-ons compatible with each other without the hassle of "electricity transformers" everywhere. If you need help on modding or anything or on the API you are more than welcome to ask me or Darkguardsman.

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Yes your offer is very good but I have a lot of ideas like ... (no, I can't tell you what I want to add, cause you may steal my ideas ;D) and your API isn't good to do what I want. Don't think that your mod is poor(it's really cool) but I want to make my own code with my own troubles.


And yes I've got trouble.

My Tile Entity is null (I have no idea how to write my problem cause I'm not English)

I have never wrote any Tile Entity, so maybe I did it wrong.

Please, could you help me with TileEntity and how to add it to block and how to get from it a variable.


Here is my code:


package net.minecraft.src;

import java.util.Random;

public class TileEntityVoltage extends TileEntity {

private float Voltage;

public TileEntityVoltage()
	Voltage = 0.0F;

public void setVoltage(float f)
	Voltage = f;

public float getVoltage()
	return this.Voltage;

and in blockCabble:

public TileEntity getBlockEntity()
        return new TileEntityVoltage();

public void setBlockVoltage(World world, int i, int j, int k)
TileEntity Voltage = world.getBlockTileEntity(i, j, k);

if(world.getBlockId(i, j, k + 1) == mod_Electricity.blockBattery.blockID && world.getBlockMetadata(i, j, k + 1) == 2)
			TileEntity Voltage2 = world.getBlockTileEntity(i, j, k + 1);


And when I place

if (Voltage == null)

On chat i hav NULL!!!!!!


And of course i put into my mod_

ModLoader.registerTileEntity(net.minecraft.src.TileEntityVoltage.class, "TileEntityVoltage");

Gravel falling on my face!!!

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Hey Calclavia, I've seen what you're doing all over the forums.  I would suggest steering away from the name :"add-on".  I'm not saying that it's my personal opinion, but it suggests a "lesser" mod, which would probably turn away potential makers. 


Speaking of UE, I think it's a great idea.  Personally, I'd like Physicraft [my (extremely) WIP mod] to implement it in the near future.  The link is below, and i work on it every day.  v0.3 will have a lot of new features, so son't fear about the current noobishness of the mod.  Eventually, i want to tackle some of the stuff ic2 adds (dusts and such).



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Please keep UE talk onto the UE sub-forum. And You don't have to jump at everyone who posts something about electricity with your advertisement :P

If you do, do it via pms plz. To keep the discussion on topic.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Please keep UE talk onto the UE sub-forum. And You don't have to jump at everyone who posts something about electricity with your advertisement :P

If you do, do it via pms plz. To keep the discussion on topic.


Sorry. I am a "noob" at trying to recruit people to help on projects.


Hey Calclavia, I've seen what you're doing all over the forums.  I would suggest steering away from the name :"add-on".  I'm not saying that it's my personal opinion, but it suggests a "lesser" mod, which would probably turn away potential makers. 


Speaking of UE, I think it's a great idea.  Personally, I'd like Physicraft [my (extremely) WIP mod] to implement it in the near future.  The link is below, and i work on it every day.  v0.3 will have a lot of new features, so son't fear about the current noobishness of the mod.  Eventually, i want to tackle some of the stuff ic2 adds (dusts and such).




Wow that mod looks great. It seems like you generate a lot of different ores. I just made an interface called addOre so all UE mods use the limited block IDs to make their ores. Also some of the ores/ingots Universal Cmponents already have (copper, tin, steel) and you can just call the code reference from those if you want. Are you planning to make more industrial machines since your mod is about industrial things? We really need UE addons that features machines cus' we currently have more generator mods than machines mod.


But anyway, have you got a name better than addon that doesn't sound like a lesser mod? (because a UE addon is definatly not a lesser mod).



Also we should discuss this in the UE forums. This is not the appropriate thread :P

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