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Working on a client side mod that's heavily revolved around on particles. However, I tend to keep hitting the particle cap which causes a lot of them to despawn and ruin the functionality of the mod. Is there a way to increase the particle cap or to set a certain type of particle to ignore the cap?


Coming from the EffectRenderer class in net.minecraft.client.particle.EffectRenderer


    public void addEffect(EntityFX p_78873_1_)


        if (p_78873_1_ == null) return;

        int i = p_78873_1_.getFXLayer();

        int j = p_78873_1_.func_174838_j() != 1.0F ? 0 : 1;


        if (this.fxLayers[j].size() >= 4000)








I would use asm (even though I dont know how to use it) to override this method. The thing thats causing it to limit is the( this.fxLayers[j].size() >= 4000 ). Hope this helps


Edit:This effectively means once you have too many particles they don't even despawn anymore, the game just removes them.

"you seem to be THE best modder I've seen imo."





You don't need ASM, god.


In Minecraft.class:

    public EffectRenderer effectRenderer;


It is being initialized once on startup, you can easily extend EffectRenderer and write whatever you want there and then in startup event replace vanilla's one. (You will probably need to proxify stuff since there are some Side.CLIENT annotations).

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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