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Forge Gradle Deprecation Warnings


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Ok, I'm using an external plugin for forge gradle called clojuresque in order to compile clojure code. This actually works rather well but... every time I run this thing the console always spams this:




'warnOnReflection' is deprecated and will go away in a future version. Please use 'clojure.warnOnReflection' instead.

'aotCompile' is deprecated and will go away in a future version. Please use 'clojure.aotCompile' instead.

'warnOnReflection' is deprecated and will go away in a future version. Please use 'clojure.warnOnReflection' instead.

'aotCompile' is deprecated and will go away in a future version. Please use 'clojure.aotCompile' instead.

'warnOnReflection' is deprecated and will go away in a future version. Please use 'clojure.warnOnReflection' instead.

'aotCompile' is deprecated and will go away in a future version. Please use 'clojure.aotCompile' instead.

'warnOnReflection' is deprecated and will go away in a future version. Please use 'clojure.warnOnReflection' instead.

'aotCompile' is deprecated and will go away in a future version. Please use 'clojure.aotCompile' instead.



And my build.gradle file looks like this:




buildscript {

    repositories {


        maven {

            name = "forge"

            url = "http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven"


        maven { url "http://clojars.org/repo" }

        maven {

            name = "sonatype"

            url = "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/"




    dependencies {

classpath 'clojuresque:clojuresque:1.7.0'

classpath 'net.minecraftforge.gradle:ForgeGradle:1.2-SNAPSHOT'




repositories {maven { url "http://clojars.org/repo" }}


apply plugin: 'clojure'


clojure.warnOnReflection = true

clojure.aotCompile = true


apply plugin: 'forge'


version = ""

group= "forge_clj.core" // http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-naming-conventions.html

archivesBaseName = "forge_clj"


minecraft {

    version = "1.7.10-"

    runDir = "eclipse"



configurations {


compile.extendsFrom shade



dependencies {

    // you may put jars on which you depend on in ./libs

    // or you may define them like so..

    //compile "some.group:artifact:version:classifier"

    //compile "some.group:artifact:version"


    // real examples

    //compile 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev'  // adds buildcraft to the dev env

    //compile 'com.googlecode.efficient-java-matrix-library:ejml:0.24' // adds ejml to the dev env


    // for more info...

    // http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/artifact_dependencies_tutorial.html

    // http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/dependency_management.html


shade 'org.clojure:clojure:1.7.0'



jar {

    configurations.shade.each { dep ->


            exclude 'META-INF', 'META-INF/**'





task deobfJar(type: Jar) {

    from sourceSets.main.output

    classifier = 'dev'







    // this will ensure that this task is redone when the versions change.

    inputs.property "version", project.version

    inputs.property "mcversion", project.minecraft.version


    // replace stuff in mcmod.info, nothing else

    from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {

        include 'mcmod.info'


        // replace version and mcversion

        expand 'version':project.version, 'mcversion':project.minecraft.version



    // copy everything else, thats not the mcmod.info

    from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {

        exclude 'mcmod.info'






Even if I remove the clojure.warnOnReflection = true line, and clojure.aotCompile = true line, it still spams this message, and it's getting annoying, and might be confusing to other modders using the library made with this.


So what I'm asking is mainly if there's a way to just suppress the deprecation warnings on this thing. If I had to guess, the issue is probably in the plugin itself (it's been abandoned for ~2 years, but still works). I can do without a solution, but it'd be nice if there's a way to prevent it.

Currently working on a mod to provide support for the Clojure programming language in Minecraft, check it out here.

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