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General Client-Serverside Questions


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Hey there, i have some questions related to minecraft(-forge)'s Client/Serverside workflow. They might sound weird, but i better ask than struggle with things that won't work the way i want them too:

1. When i set a value on Client, will it be sinqued on server automaticly(SOmetimes it seems like cuz there is no packethandling stuff)

2. Is it possible to say other entities to update their information about one entity from this one entity

3. Is there a possibility to create a packethandler for all of my packets and if yes - how (I know this is more or less java related)

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1. No, unless the code also runs on the server and it sets the value to the same thing - not the same as synchronization, but often used by vanilla to make things 'snappier' on the client side.


2. Yes, you can send packets to all entities tracking a given entity using

((WorldServer) worldObj).getEntityTracker().sendToAllTrackingEntity(entity, packet)

; DataWatcher does this for you automatically.


3. Yes and no - you can write an abstract message class or interface that all of your packets inherit from that has a method to allow them to process themselves, then write a generic packet handler that calls that method. So you have a generic packet handler, but all it does is ask the packet to take care of the actual handling - this is the approach I use, but YMMV.

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1. No, unless the code also runs on the server and it sets the value to the same thing - not the same as synchronization, but often used by vanilla to make things 'snappier' on the client side.


2. Yes, you can send packets to all entities tracking a given entity using

((WorldServer) worldObj).getEntityTracker().sendToAllTrackingEntity(entity, packet)

; DataWatcher does this for you automatically.


3. Yes and no - you can write an abstract message class or interface that all of your packets inherit from that has a method to allow them to process themselves, then write a generic packet handler that calls that method. So you have a generic packet handler, but all it does is ask the packet to take care of the actual handling - this is the approach I use, but YMMV.


Sorry, but what you mean with ymmv?

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By the way for Question #1, the client does sync some stuff to the server, namely key press and GUi container stuff. For example, even though you don't see it, if you use a GuiContainer when you take things from the slots and such that information does get synced to server. And of course if you move on the client the server needs to know that so it is synced for you. But as mentioned by CoolAlias, a large body of the functionality just runs in parallel and so is not explicitly synced.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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