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[1.7.10] Two mods fighting over which chunk manager to use?


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When two mods try to take control of the chunk manager, shouldn't the mod whose world type was chosen on startup take priority?




According to that log, when RTG tries to get the world's chunk manager, it's returning Wildycraft's chunk manager instead and crashing, even though RTG's world type was selected on startup.


At first, I thought it might be a biome ID or dimension ID conflict, but there aren't any conflicts that I can see.


Am I missing something totally obvious here?

[1.7.10] [1.8.9] RTG — Realistic Terrain Generationhttp://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2524489

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Well, if they both extend a common class then maybe you can rely on that so then you wont get the cast error. The only time you should need to differentiate between the two chunk managers in code is if you're calling a method that doesn't @override the superclass.


That's why it's being cast - because there are methods in RTG's chunk manager that don't @override WorldChunkManager.


I guess I'm still struggling to understand why Wildycraft's chunk manager is being referenced at all if RTG's world type was selected on startup. Isn't that one of the main benefits of using a custom world type? To ensure that your own chunk managers and chunk providers are used?


I suppose I could do a check to see if Wildycraft is loaded, and not cast it if it is, but that feels super hacky.

[1.7.10] [1.8.9] RTG — Realistic Terrain Generationhttp://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2524489

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World Types also have ids. I may be happenning because willdycraft loads before and takes id that your world type has before. So now all old worlds with your world type will have wildycraft world type.

This may also happen with other mods and other types though.

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World Types also have ids. I may be happenning because willdycraft loads before and takes id that your world type has before. So now all old worlds with your world type will have wildycraft world type.

This may also happen with other mods and other types though.


In 1.7.10, world type IDs are created dynamically via getNextId(), and the crash happens when launching a new world, so... I don't think it's got anything to do with world type IDs conflicting.


I still haven't figured out what's causing this, but I've discovered that this same crash occurs when Wildycraft is installed alongside ATG, which is another mod that uses a custom world type, so... either Wildycraft is doing something wrong, or both RTG and ATG are doing something wrong. I don't really care who's to blame here, I just wish I knew what was happening behind the scenes.


Thanks to everyone who tried to help - I'll post an update if I ever get to the bottom of it.

[1.7.10] [1.8.9] RTG — Realistic Terrain Generationhttp://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2524489

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