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Runs through Eclipse fine, Running through Minecraft not working


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Hey everyone,


Just getting started. Been following some tutorials. I got my first block textured in game with the labels and everything and it all works great when I compile and run through Eclipse. But when I use the grindlew build method and move my .jar file over the minecraft mod folder, it doesn't seem to work. The textures and the localized names aren't showing up. Anyone have any ideas what is going on?



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You need to tell us which version you're using. It may also help to post a log file (not console output), because the log may show warnings not printed to the console. In fact, if you haven't already done so, read the client log in case it has something you can work from on your own steam.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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I now recall a specific gotcha:


In Eclipse, assets are accessed via the OS. Windoze is case-insensitive, so it will forgive case mismatches. In a Minecraft install, assets are accessed from within a jar file. Domains and possibly file names are case-sensitive. This is where mixed-case mismatches start to cause problems.


I think that vanilla Minecraft also changes some strings to lower-case, so at least Mod names and domain names should be all lower-case everywhere. I'm not sure about folder- and file-names, but to be safe, it is best to keep them lower-case also.


If I hit the nail on the head, please click the Thank-You!

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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Logs are saved in {MinecraftDirectory}\logs. {MinecraftDirectory} is the directory you've set as the value of


in your build.gradle script, usually eclipse or run.


fml-client-latest.log is the latest client log.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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In my rusty old Win-XP system, my Minecraft logs are in:

C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\.minecraft\logs


Did you check for mismatched capitalization? Try all lower-case.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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