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[1.8] Using Resource Location Outside of Normal Minecraft Domain


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I am trying to have my armor get its texture from a location outside of the normal Minecraft domain, but I have not found a way to accomplish this.


I have tried to override the getArmorTexture method using the following code:


public String getArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, Entity entity, int slot, String type) 
	location = new ResourceLocation("<modding folder>", "<texture folder inside modding folder>/texture.png");
	return location.toString();


However, I get the following error:


java.io.FileNotFoundException: <modding folder>:<texture folder inside modding folder>/texture.png


Is it possible to accomplish this task using this method? Or possibly through another method?

Thanks in advance!



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I want my mod to allow players to add their own textures for my mod armor, in addition to the textures I already have. I know how to change between my textures in the domain, but I do not know how to allow users to add their own textures that I can access inside of the normal Minecraft domain, which is why I want to try to find a way to access them outside of the domain.

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Create a resource pack based off the folder, add it to the default texture pack lists, parse your target folder for file names so you can convert them to resource locations and feed them to the resource manager.


I'd suggest creating an IResourcePack that uses unique key for the domain so that there aren't any conflicts pulling textures from your original assets. That is unless you want the capability to overwrite the original textures you or a resource pack has supplied



I think its my java of the variables.

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Isnt that just possible with a normal regular resourcepack? You can 'override' any texture inside the resourcefolder with a resourcepack as long as you use the ResourceLocation object for binding the texture. The only thing people need to do is holding on to the same datastructure you have used inside your resourcefolder. No need to do crazy things



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Create a resource pack based off the folder, add it to the default texture pack lists, parse your target folder for file names so you can convert them to resource locations and feed them to the resource manager.


I'd suggest creating an IResourcePack that uses unique key for the domain so that there aren't any conflicts pulling textures from your original assets. That is unless you want the capability to overwrite the original textures you or a resource pack has supplied


You seem confident with this method. I will give it a shot! I have not used resource packs before, so this should be fun. :)

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