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In this tutorial i'm putting what I figured out what worked for me to get metadata item textures working again in an easy maintainable way for me.


It involves a couple of classes and an interface to be set up, but it's pretty simple.

In this tutorial I will however only show the neccesary code, not fully functional items etc... because I can't be bothered to strip all the support code form the one item I have.


First, we make a class to register all our items for rendering in. There are probaly better ways to do this, but this is what I used during my experimentations. Feel free to implement your own way, with or without singleton, static, dynamic, lists, whatever you fancy :-)


public class ItemRenderRegister {
 * @var render Singleton of the render register that we use 
private static ItemRenderRegister render;
private ItemRenderRegister(){}

 * Get the instance of the ItemRenderRegister
 * @return ItemRenderRegister instance
public static ItemRenderRegister instance() {
	if(ItemRenderRegister.render == null) {
		ItemRenderRegister.render = new ItemRenderRegister();
	return render;

 * The method where we put all our items. You could possibly use
 * a list method here too where you get all your mod items from a list
 * Feel ree to use whatever method you choose, hardcoded, list, magic
public static void registerItemRenderer() {

	// save the minor overhead of calling the function
	ItemRenderRegister inst = instance();

	// Register our item, let the rest do magic

 * if the item is an instance of IItemVariantDetails
 * then let the item itself handle the registration of details
 * This is to keep code where it's logical(imho). 
public void reg(Item item) {

	// self defining item? Let it do it's thing
	if(item instanceof IItemVariantDetails) {


	else {
		// Assume there is only one item with meta data 0

 * Register item, look for JSON file based on registry name.
 * @param item The item to register
 * @param metadata The meta data to register it with
public void reg(Item item, int metadata) {


 * Register all our textures so forge knows them
 * @param item The item to register
 * @param metadata The meta data the texture applies to. 
 * @param file The name of the JSON file in "assets/MODID.toLowerCase()/models/items" without the .json extension 
public void reg(Item item, int metadata, String file) {

	//Get our resource location up and running
	ModelResourceLocation location = new ModelResourceLocation(
			MagicCookies.MODID.toLowerCase() + ":" + file,

	// register the different variants(if any)
	ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, metadata, location);


Then we also need the interface we check the instance of above here


public interface IItemVariantDetails {
 * Method to register item variants
 * Usage to register items:                
 * <b>register.reg(this , metadata , String JSON_filename );</b>
 * <i>register.reg(this , 4 , "my_json_filename_without_extension" );</i>
 * for all different variants</PRE>
public void registerItemVariants(ItemRenderRegister register);


public class StructureGenStripper extends Item implements IItemVariantDetails {

    public StructureGenStripper( String unLocalizedName ) {


        this.setUnlocalizedName( unLocalizedName );

        this.setCreativeTab( ModHooks.creativeTabMagicCookies );

        this.setMaxStackSize( 1 );

        this.setMaxDamage( 0 );

        this.setHasSubtypes( true );

    .... // code to do magic for your item, do as you please
        public void registerItemVariants(ItemRenderRegister register) {
        register.reg( this , 0 , "itemStripper"  );
        register.reg( this , 1 , "itemStripperair" );
        register.reg( this , 2 , "itemStripperSolid" );
        register.reg( this , 3 , "itemStripperPlacer" );
        register.reg( this , 4 , "itemStripperAssorted" );
        register.reg( this , 5 , "itemStripperUndo" );



Then in our client proxy we can call our rendere instantiation code, because graphics on the server side serve no purpose


    public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy {

        public void registerRenderers() {




And we can call the renderers in our main mod class in the pre init.


    public void preInit( FMLPreInitializationEvent event ) {




So to recap. when all this code is all settled nicely in your mod, you only have to add the interface to your item, have eclipse add the method to your item and add your item to your ItemRenderRegister in the manner of your choosing and you're all set to go for your items and different icons.


How to set up icon jsons i'll leave up to you. That's a whole other can of worms. Just give them the exact same filename you define in the strings(case senstive)


If someone has a better way to do this, or more elegant, or if there's a path i'm unaware of, please, i wnat to know :-) This is just what I cobbled together in a night to make my life easier, but if there are better ways, or things i've overlooked, I do love knowing about it :-)


- Tsch

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood - Guybrush Treepwood


I wrote my own mod ish... still a few bugs to fix. http://thaumcraft.duckdns.org/downloads/MagicCookies-

  • 3 weeks later...

I did something very similar, but used Reflection to auto-register all my variants, and custom resource locations. (Note that the following code was tested in 1.8, so may not work perfectly anymore - I'll be finding that out soon enough, I expect).


Base item interface:


  Reveal hidden contents



Typical implementation of that interface:


  Reveal hidden contents



My model swapper interface:


  Reveal hidden contents





  Reveal hidden contents



In my ClientProxy:


  Reveal hidden contents



I think that's about it. Makes the code really nice, imo, when a class is almost entirely self-descriptive; i.e. each class is responsible for itself, rather than expecting random lines of 'support' code all over the place. Here's an example of an Item actually using some of that stuff, and here's a Block.


P.S. There are some who disagree with using getUnlocalizedName in the ways that I have above; if you're one of those, feel free to use something else in your own code :P

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