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[1.7.10]connect to server


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just a ground question.


I want that if the player on my server klick a button , that he will join an other server.


I ask for a start tip


thanks ur nexti ;D

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ok i get some things.


1. the method to connect is


        FMLClientHandler.instance().connectToServer(this, serverdata);


2. serverdata is


serverdata whhhatt??^^



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Did you try looking at the


class or how it's used? You should be able to navigate to it and find usages of it using your IDE.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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thx for your response.


yae i also looked at the Serverdata , but i dont understand the format for it.


i add a new data to the serverlist, but i cant connect to him ingame.

It shows the new server a the main menu Multiplayer.


I have to learn how i can connect without useing the gui

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the problem is that the function seems so go in emptyness xD my serverdata is correct, but it just nothing happend.


System.out.println(  FMLClientHandler.instance().getServer());


            this.field_146811_z = new ServerData("Rin-Online", "");





this is what i have. but i am a nooby at servermanagement... xD and english^^

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I just implemented this myself, it was a bit tricky to figure out. You can't just connect to the new server immediately, you need to disconnect from the current server first and then connect to the new server.


When the player clicks the button, store the


of the pending connection somewhere and disconnect them from the server. Look at


(case 1, the Disconnect/Save and Quit button) to see how to disconnect from the current server.


When the player disconnects from the server (


), schedule a task on the main thread using


(this event is fired on a Netty thread, so you must schedule a task on the main thread before you can safely interact with normal Minecraft classes). In this task, check if there's pending connection. If there is, call


followed by


(pass a new instance of


as the first argument) to connect to the new server.


You can see my implementation (a client command) here. If you're not targeting Java 8, use an anonymous class instead of a lambda for the scheduled task and Guava's


instead of Java's



Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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