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Alright so I recently tested my algorithm for moving 5000 blocks from one world to another, sadly its very slow  :P


So I profiled it for "Hot Spots" and found some interesting results, (My flood fill algorithm took 0% cpu time so it's not that)

the things causing the lag seem to be basic functions that Minecraft does by default when placing and breaking blocks. Here's the breakdown of the biggest offenders:


net.minecraft.world.storage.ThreadedFileIOBase.processQueue()	 (20.1%)

paulscode.sound.SimpleThread.snooze() (19.6%)	

net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run()  (19.1%)

net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.addScheduledTask()	 (18.7%)	

net.minecraft.world.World.getChunkFromChunkCoords()  (7.9%)	

FlyingFortress.Entities.Ship.updateMinMax()  (4.9%)

FlyingFortress.Region.WorldUtils.RegionChunkProvider.provideChunk()  (2.2%)


It seems that most of the time is spent by the saving thread, but I'm not sure why  ???


Anyway let me give the code of mine that could also be causing the lag


Starting with the makeWorld() method which I use to move the blocks from one world to another:


int x = (int)(posX); int y = (int)posY; int z = (int)(posZ);
	BlockPos start = new BlockPos(x,y,z);
    	SpatialDetector attatchedBlocks = new SpatialDetector(start, worldObj, 5000,true);
    	ArrayList<BlockPos> detectedBlockPos = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(attatchedBlocks.foundSet.size()+1);
    	boolean forcedStop = false;
    	TIntIterator intIter = attatchedBlocks.foundSet.iterator();
    		int hash = (Integer) intIter.next();
    		BlockPos fromHash = attatchedBlocks.getPosWithRespectTo(hash, start);
    			forcedStop = true;
	for(BlockPos global:detectedBlockPos){
		IBlockState state = worldObj.getBlockState(global);
		BlockPos pos = global.add(-x,128-y,-z);
		region.setBlockState(pos, state,0);
	for(BlockPos global:detectedBlockPos){
		NextTickListEntry scheduledUpdate;
		BlockPos local = global.add(-x,128-y,-z);
		//region.scheduleUpdate(new BlockPos(bs.x-x,bs.y+128-y,bs.z-z), region.getBlockState(new BlockPos(bs.x-x,bs.y+128-y,bs.z-z)).getBlock(), 0);
		Iterator tickListIter = ((WorldServer)worldObj).pendingTickListEntriesHashSet.iterator();
			scheduledUpdate = (NextTickListEntry)tickListIter.next();
				region.scheduleUpdate(local, region.getBlockState(local).getBlock(), scheduledUpdate.priority);
	for(BlockPos pos:detectedBlockPos){
		BlockPos local = pos.add(-x,128-y,-z);
		TileEntity tile = worldObj.getTileEntity(pos);
			if(tile instanceof IInventory){
				IInventory inventory = ((IInventory)tile);
				TileEntity inRegion = region.getTileEntity(local);
				for(int i=0;i<inventory.getSizeInventory();i++){
					((IInventory)inRegion).setInventorySlotContents(i, inventory.getStackInSlot(i));
	for(BlockPos global:detectedBlockPos){
		worldObj.setBlockState(global, Blocks.planks.getDefaultState(),;
	for(BlockPos global:detectedBlockPos){
		worldObj.setBlockState(global, Blocks.air.getDefaultState(), 3);


And the updateMinMax() method, I need it to keep track of the min/max xyz values of the current world


private void updateMinMax(){
	RegionChunkProvider provider = (RegionChunkProvider) region.getChunkProvider();
	boolean good = false;
	for(BlockPos pos:blockPositions){
			good = true;
			int xCor = pos.getX()>>4;
			int zCor = pos.getZ()>>4;
				ShipRegionServer server = (ShipRegionServer) region;
				server.chunkQueues.put(IntegerChunkCoordIntPair.toKeyFromPos(pos), new ArrayList<BlockPos>());
			minX = pos.getX();
			maxX = pos.getX();
			minY = pos.getY();
			maxY = pos.getY();
			minZ = pos.getZ();
			maxZ = pos.getZ();


Any tips for getting past this terrible lag spike?

"you seem to be THE best modder I've seen imo."





Someone that knows more about chunk loader / saving can probably help you better. I expect there would be a way to only update the chunk after doing all the copying, whereas the current lag might be because it is saving every time you place a block. Just a wild guess.


But I have a couple other thoughts:

1) In the case where the current block matches the block you're moving to that position, like would happen for a lot of air blocks, you might not want to actually copy the block. Depending on how many air blocks are included in your copy, that might make it much more efficient (i.e. not triggering all the vanilla add block stuff).

2) When I was doing a mod that generated a castle in the sky I found that placing blocks high up were way slower (thousands of times slower). I traced it down to issue where Minecraft recalculates the lighting after every block placed and therefore higher up blocks have more processing. I was able to find a way to disable this although it was slightly tricky. If you think this is related to your problem I can maybe give you some code examples.

3) When placing blocks there is option to place it with notification of neighbors. That is often useful, but I assume there is some performance impact. Depending on how you do the copying though you might want to disable some of that.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/


Without reading code (I am going to bed), I can point few things:

- If you are using setBlock, use propeer flags.

- Even that is shit (above), so what you really want is to manipulate world's block data directly, without asking for shit, you could do that with:

Chunk chunk = event.world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(event.chunkX, event.chunkZ);
	for (ExtendedBlockStorage storage : chunk.getBlockStorageArray())

Do note that this will introduce new problems because you WILL have to do post-processing (light updates and chunk-synchronization calls), but it will be fast.


There is also partial solution by introducting Queued placement with ServerTickHandler that will place blocks per tick. Idk if that satisfies you, but I can tell that even when it's slow, it looks damn cool in-game :D (filling effect).


*flies away* #pointingOutObvious #notUsefulAtAll :x

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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