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[1.8] [SOLVED] onNeighborBlockChange see if neighborBlock is a certain block

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This is probably a really easy question but I haven't gotten the grips around Minecraft Mod Coding yet. I saw this method in the Diode class and decided to give it a try, because it would be easy to use for my 2-block multiblock structure. The code in question is here:

public void onNeighborBlockChange(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState blockstate, Block neighborBlock){
    	if (neighborBlock == )


As you can see I have my if statement incomplete because I have no idea what format neighborBlock is in. If you are wondering the block that I am looking for is below the one referenced in the code, and is a fence post.






You get the position passed in, so move it one down (down() method) and check the block at that position if it is a fence.


I was going to do that, but I need help checking if the block below it is a fence. What would I put in on the other side of the double-equals to make sure it is a fence?

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