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[1.8.9]Capturing Packets to send to more Clients (sendToTarget, sendToDimension)

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A long while ago, I created an addon for Mystcraft that allowed for the loading and viewing of a secondary dimension. It was a fun challenge, and I learned a lot since then, so I decided I wanted to touch back with it and re-purpose and improve it for the sake of challenging myself.


I am attempting to create the long-requested, yet untouched, seamless portals mod.


This would require loading way more than the one extra dimension, and it would be a lot pickier about loading/unloading dimensions on the client side, but all of these are things I can handle and optimize.


But I need to be able to view live entities in these other worlds, and changes to blocks. While I found entry points I could use for vanilla packets, in the interest of supporting most mods, I will have to create what is probably one of the greatest modding sins of all time: Coremodding forge.


I want to be able to capture all packets that are sent close to one of these portals, or across a dimension, regardless of what mod it is, add dimensional data, repackage them, and send them to the additional clients, or server, that would need them. This would not affect the original packets, but merely copy them. Then objects would be swapped in and out of place while that specific packet is being handled, which in my experience on the first mod I had made, had been mostly lag-free and reliable.


In order to allow a greater number of mods compatible, I plan on releasing a backwards-compatible API that would detect the presence of my mod and be able to pull the correct information so they would be able to pull any extra-world data they may save themselves. Not the most ideal of things, but possibly the only way to pull it off.


But back to my query: My hopes here would be that someone who is experienced with the internals of forge could point me into the right direction as to what classes/functions I might need to add my own code to capture these packets.


Thank you in advance for your time, and have a great day!

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