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I'm trying to create a mana system to keep track of a player's pool of mana.

Unfortunately, I'm having huge trouble registering it. I've tried every combination of .class and new() but I just can't seem to get it to do anything other than give the error "The method register(Class<T>, Capability.IStorage<T>, Class<? extends T>) in the type CapabilityManager is not applicable for the arguments (Class<IBaseManaCapability>, PlayerManaCapabilityHandler, Class<PlayerManaCapability>)".


Here's some code:



package com.nosrick.masterofmagic.capabilities;

public interface IBaseManaCapability extends IBaseCapability
public int GetMana();
public void SetMana(int mana);





package com.nosrick.masterofmagic.capabilities;

public class PlayerManaCapability implements IBaseManaCapability
protected int m_Mana = 0;

public int GetMana() 
	return m_Mana;

public void SetMana(int mana) 
	m_Mana = mana;





package com.nosrick.masterofmagic.capabilities;

import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.Capability;
import net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.Capability.IStorage;
import net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.CapabilityManager;

public class PlayerManaCapabilityHandler implements IStorage<PlayerManaCapability> 
public NBTBase writeNBT(Capability<PlayerManaCapability> capability, PlayerManaCapability instance,
		EnumFacing side) 
	NBTTagCompound manaTags = new NBTTagCompound();
	manaTags.setInteger("mana", instance.GetMana());
	return manaTags;

public void readNBT(Capability<PlayerManaCapability> capability, PlayerManaCapability instance, EnumFacing side,
		NBTBase nbt) 
	NBTTagCompound manaTags = (NBTTagCompound)nbt;



And the factory, PlayerManaFactory


package com.nosrick.masterofmagic.capabilities;

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

public class PlayerManaFactory implements Callable<PlayerManaCapability> 
public PlayerManaCapability call() throws Exception 
	return new PlayerManaCapability();




Now, here is how I'm trying to register it:

CapabilityManager.INSTANCE.register(IBaseManaCapability.class, new PlayerManaCapabilityHandler(), PlayerManaCapability.class);

I've tried a few different methods - including trying to use the factory - but they all give me the same error.


What am I doing wrong?


Just went through an almost identical process I'll update this response with some specifics but for now you can take a look at my github. You'll want to look at DefaultDrafter and DrafterProvider.




IBaseManaCapability should be a regular interface(doesn't extend anything)


PlayerManaCapability should implement IBaseManaCapability(this is the default implementation)

For saving the players mana and loading it you would do something like this:

public class PlayerManaCapability implements IBaseManaCapability{

//implement methods
   public static class ManaStorage implements IStorage<IBaseManaCapability>{
      public static final ManaStorage manaStorage = new ManaStorage ();
      //implement methods of IStorage (read and write nbt)


You can break ManaStorage into a different file like you have it but if you leave it as an inner class it lets you access the instance.privateVariables for read and write without extra method calls.


register it like this:

CapabilityManager.INSTANCE.register(IBaseManaCapability.class, ManaStorage .manaStorage , PlayerManaCapability .class);


update 2:

your factory should be a provider meaning something like this:

public class ManaProvider implements ICapabilityProvider, INBTSerializable{
   @CapabilityInject(IBaseManaCapability .class)
   public static Capability<IBaseManaCapability > MANAPLAYER = null;

// implement methods



You will also want to hook into these two events

public void AttachCapability(AttachCapabilitiesEvent.Entity e)

public void onClonePlayer(PlayerEvent.Clone e)

Current Project: Armerger 

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Register takes a class first, an instance of the storage second and a class third

That's exactly what I've done here:

CapabilityManager.INSTANCE.register(IBaseManaCapability.class, new PlayerManaCapabilityHandler(), PlayerManaCapability.class);


PlayerManaCapabilityHandler is the storage.


Your welcome, and it is almost exactly what I have been going through. Let me know if you need help getting the client to update properly, that bit took a lot of trouble shooting for me.

I'd love some help with that.


But the main problem I'm having right now is that the player doesn't have the custom capability, so any hasCapability() call always returns false. Is the addition process automated, or do I have to do it myself?

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