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[1.8.9] [Solved] Making an Autoclicker in Minecraft


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As you can read in the topic im trying to code an autoclicker for minecraft using forge.

I created a new keybind which gets triggered when i press the set key.

Currently what it does when i press the keybind is:

- cause lag! (main problem)

- execute a leftclick (solely visible by looking at a mob and seeing that it becomes red)

The lag freezes the game for half a second so that you cant see the attacking (swinging arm) animation and when trying to execute multiple clicks it freezes minecraft for a longer time. Although mc freezes, the autoclicker works outside of the game. Maybe someone knows a way to modify this code so the autoclicker only works in mc which would be convenient but not essential. Also i do NOT want to make this mod a cheat-mod which speeds up attacking and i also do NOT want to use

Minecraft.getMinecraft().playerController.attackEntity(player, targetEntity);


(Warning: Im new to java so it might be some really stupid mistake)

public class KeyHandler {

static boolean tHitmarker;
static boolean tAutohit;

public void onKeyInputEvent(KeyInputEvent event){


		EntityPlayer player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer;

			tAutohit = false;
			player.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText("Disabled Autohit"));

			tAutohit = true;
			player.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText("Enabled Autohit"));


public class Autoclick extends Thread{

public static void leftclick(){

    Robot bot;
	try {

		bot = new Robot();

	catch (AWTException e) {

	try {

	catch (InterruptedException e) {



Note: i posted a similar question recently but deleted it as it wasnt very clear.

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thanks for the answers, andavins tip worked :D

the thread.sleep was the thing causing the lag and so i just had to replace that.


I believe your problem is here:

try {		

catch (InterruptedException e) {



Using sleeping a thread is never a good idea if you need a delay I suggest using Timer and TimerTask.

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