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[1.9] Guns


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So I have never tried to make a gun before, so what I am wondering is, what would be the best way to make the gun, such as bullets, making guns have a fire and reload speed, being able to customize the guns with different parts, and such. Also with the customizing, each part would supposedly change the look of the gun's model, how would I go about making the model based on what parts are on the gun?

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There are several tutorials for this, namely one on the minecraft forge wiki. This tutorial deals with the gun and bullets. To extend reload time, fire rate, etc, use NBT timers stored on your item that count up or down every tick, and when the user fires, the gun checks to see if the timer has reached the max time, then it will proceed to shoot, otherwise it will do nothing.

Creator of the MyFit, MagiCraft, Tesseract gun, and Papa's Wingeria mod.

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don't forget that you have two options for "bullets" you can actually make an entity that travels through the world like the arrow does or you can just look at what is currently at the target location and damage it.

Current Project: Armerger 

Planned mods: Light Drafter  | Ore Swords

Looking for help getting a mod off the ground? Coding  | Textures

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The only thing is, is that its not an actual crafting table, more like a table with slots that you add the pieces to, and you can remove those pieces as well, and it results with a gun with those parts.


Give the gun an inventory using the Capability system and have the table use it.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Create an implementation of


that provides an


instance (probably an


). Override


to return a new instance of the provider. This gives your item an


inventory that's stored in memory with the


and not written to NBT until it needs to be (unlike the old way of giving items inventories, which was using an


read from and written to NBT every time it was accessed).


To get this inventory from an


of your


, use the


method inherited by




I don't have any examples of this exact use case, but I do have several of my own capabilities in my mod. You can see their APIs here and implementations here.





attach the


capability to themselves to track their last use time.




capability is attached to all living entities in


to provide bonus max health and used by










capability is attached to


by itself and to




to allow them to spawn pigs and used by



Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Lets see if I fully understand. What I have to do is create a new class that implements ICapabilitySerializable? And what do you mean provide an IItemHandler instance, would I create a new instance or what? Then in the item class for the gun in the initCapabilities method I return the instance?

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What I have to do is create a new class that implements ICapabilitySerializable?

Yes. This provides your


instance from


and reads from/writes to NBT.


And what do you mean provide an IItemHandler instance, would I create a new instance or what?

Yes, either of


or your own


implementation. You need to create a new instance of this for every instance of your provider (


) class.


Then in the item class for the gun in the initCapabilities method I return the instance?

Return a new instance of your provider class every time the


method is called.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Alright, so I have this:



public class ItemGun extends Item


public ItemGun()





public ICapabilityProvider initCapabilities(ItemStack stack, NBTTagCompound nbt)


return new CapabilitiesGunParts.ProviderGunParts();




public class CapabilitiesGunParts



public static final Capability<IItemHandler> GUN_PART_CAPABILITY = null;


public static void register()


CapabilityManager.INSTANCE.register(IItemHandler.class, new Capability.IStorage<IItemHandler>()


public NBTBase writeNBT(Capability<IItemHandler> capability, IItemHandler instance, EnumFacing side)


return null;



public void readNBT(Capability<IItemHandler> capability, IItemHandler instance, EnumFacing side, NBTBase nbt)




}, ItemStackHandler.class);



public static class ProviderGunParts implements ICapabilitySerializable<NBTTagCompound>


public static final ItemStackHandler stackHandler = new ItemStackHandler(10); // 10 For the amount of slots.


public boolean hasCapability(Capability<?> capability, EnumFacing facing)


return capability == GUN_PART_CAPABILITY;



public <T> T getCapability(Capability<T> capability, EnumFacing facing)


if (capability == GUN_PART_CAPABILITY)


return (T) stackHandler;



return null;



public NBTTagCompound serializeNBT()


return (NBTTagCompound) GUN_PART_CAPABILITY.getStorage().writeNBT(GUN_PART_CAPABILITY, stackHandler, (EnumFacing) null);



public void deserializeNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)


GUN_PART_CAPABILITY.getStorage().readNBT(GUN_PART_CAPABILITY, stackHandler, (EnumFacing) null, nbt);





public class CapabilityEvents


public void attachCap(AttachCapabilitiesEvent.Item event)


if (event.getItem() == CGItems.base_gun)


event.addCapability(new ResourceLocation(References.MOD_NAME + ":GunParts"), new CapabilitiesGunParts.ProviderGunParts());






Firstly, is this correct, and secondly, what would I put in the write/read methods?

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Do not register a




, Forge already does that.


Do not use


for your own objects, it's only for external objects.


Do not store the


in a static field, each instance of the provider must have its own instance of






will be populated with the



, but there's no real reason to have the field since you can just use




Always use the


annotation on override methods.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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So instead of creating my own capability, I could instead just use CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, and just replace GUN_PART_CAPABILITY like this:



public class ProviderGunParts implements ICapabilitySerializable<NBTTagCompound>


public ItemStackHandler stackHandler = new ItemStackHandler(10);


public boolean hasCapability(Capability<?> capability, EnumFacing facing)


return capability == CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY;



public <T> T getCapability(Capability<T> capability, EnumFacing facing)


if (capability == CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY)


return (T) this.stackHandler;



return null;



public NBTTagCompound serializeNBT()


return (NBTTagCompound) CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY.getStorage().

                writeNBT(CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY,this.stackHandler, (EnumFacing) null);



public void deserializeNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)


CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY.getStorage().readNBT(CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, this.stackHandler, (EnumFacing) null, nbt);





and I do not need to use the AttachCapabilityEvent.Item, I just use the Item#initCapabilities method

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That code looks correct, yes.


I'd personally make the



private final IItemHandler

rather than

public ItemStackHandler

just to ensure that external code can't replace it, but it's not strictly necessary. You can optionally add a public getter method for it.


There's no reason to cast


to any type except in very specific circumstances, you only see that in Minecraft's code because the compiler automatically inserts it.




instead of


for your own items, yes.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Give your




field for its own inventory. If you want things like hoppers and pipes to interact with it, override the


methods inherited by


. Make sure you call the super methods if the




so capabilities attached from


still work.


To get the item's inventory, use the


methods inherited by




The model will probably require an


, an


and an


. I don't know much about the model system myself, I suggest you look at Forge's


or Tinkers' Construct's tool models.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Firstly, how would I go about creating an IItemHandler for the inventory. Also hoppers, pipes, ect. will not be able to interact with this. Secondly, what I want to do with the bench is have, sorta different pages inside of it. Like have a page for editing the gun, and a page for private storage, like and ender chest. So what exactly would I need in terms of the TileEntity, Gui, and Container, for this?


Also, aside from the bench, each player should have materials, not actual inventory items, that will be dropped by enemies, and be picked up and added to the materials for the player. Is there a way to make different drops for each player?

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Firstly, how would I go about creating an IItemHandler for the inventory. Also hoppers, pipes, ect. will not be able to interact with this.

Create an


field and initialise it with a new instance. Read it from and write it to NBT like any other field of your


using the




If you don't want hopper and pipes to interact with it, don't expose it as a capability. Instead, create a regular getter method so your GUI code can access it.


Secondly, what I want to do with the bench is have, sorta different pages inside of it. Like have a page for editing the gun, and a page for private storage, like and ender chest. So what exactly would I need in terms of the TileEntity, Gui, and Container, for this?

I'm not that familiar with the GUI system myself, so I can only provide basic advice. You'll probably need to implement each page as a separate GUI and have buttons/tabs to switch between them. When the player clicks one of these, send a packet to the server to open the new page's GUI.


Tinkers' Construct's tinker table GUIs have similar functionality to this (though each tab is for a separate block), consider looking at how that's implemented.


Also, aside from the bench, each player should have materials, not actual inventory items, that will be dropped by enemies, and be picked up and added to the materials for the player. Is there a way to make different drops for each player?

You'll want to create your own capability to store the materials and attach it to players using




I'm not sure exactly how you plan for these materials to be dropped, but you should have access to the player that most recently attacked the entity.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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