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[Solved] Using MCP and Forge with GitHub


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Just like the title says: how would one set up your MCP folder as a GitHub repo?


I know the whole process of making a new repo and syncing it with GitHub and everything, but there doesnt seem to be any way to directly link only my mod package with GitHub from the eclipse/... folder or the src/... folder. The eclipse/Minecraft/bin/<my package> folder has both my client and server files together, but they are all .class compiled files already. I am looking for the .java source files, which are in the src/common/<my package> and src/minecraft/<my package>, but they aren't all in one folder which is what I think Git needs for a repository.


Mod devs like pahimar have a repo set up that syncs their files as they are edited. (EE3: https://github.com/pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3, in case you didn't know.)


Does anyone know if he has a direct link to his modding folder, so he can sync it strait away as he saves new files, or would one have to drag and drop the new/saved files into another folder with the various source files all together, and then sync them with a Git client? Or is there a way to make a Git repo that points to multiple paths at the same time?


Just wondering as a group of friends and I are going to begin developing a mod and we would like to have a straight up, easy way to share files (or as easy as Git can get).


Again, please don't link to a "How to Use GitHub" article. I am already pretty familiar with Git. Unless it is a "How to Make a Git Repo Point to Multiple Paths" link, if that is even possible.



Creator and co-author of the mod Essencraft: https://github.com/defiant810/Essencraft


Please, dear God, learn Java before trying to mod. It saves ALL of us time.

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