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[1.9.4]Adding custom attribute to EntityPlayer


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Hey guys,


I'm really new to modding so please go easy on me ;) I'm currently making a mod purely for educational purposes.


So my question:


I'd like to add a custom attribute (which i already made) to the player. How would I go about this?

Here is the attribute

public static final IAttribute MONEY_ATT = (new RangedAttribute((IAttribute)null, "money", 1000,0,1000000000)).setDescription("Money").setShouldWatch(true);


It's really something stupid but i'm trying to learn.

I've found how to add attributes to new entities and modify existing onces but this i can't find.

I hope someone can help me out.




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Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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Thought so, so this is what I have found. But it gives an error when the world loads.


public class CapabilityMoney {

public static final Capability<IMoney> MONEY_CAPABILITY = null;

public static final EnumFacing DEFAULT_FACING = null;

public static final ResourceLocation ID = new ResourceLocation(Main.MODID, "Money");

public static void register() {
	CapabilityManager.INSTANCE.register(IMoney.class, new Capability.IStorage<IMoney>() {
		public NBTBase writeNBT(Capability<IMoney> capability, IMoney instance, EnumFacing side) {
			return new NBTTagInt(instance.getMoney());

		public void readNBT(Capability<IMoney> capability, IMoney instance, EnumFacing side, NBTBase nbt) {
			instance.setMoney(((NBTTagInt) nbt).getInt());
	},() -> new Money(null));

	MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new EventHandler());

public static IMoney getMoney(EntityPlayer player) {
	return CapabilityUtils.getCapability(player, MONEY_CAPABILITY, DEFAULT_FACING);

public static ICapabilityProvider createProvider(IMoney money) {
	return new SimpleCapabilityProvider<>(MONEY_CAPABILITY, DEFAULT_FACING, money);

public static class EventHandler {

	public void attachCapabilities(AttachCapabilitiesEvent.Entity event) {
		if (event.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer) {
			final Money money = new Money((EntityPlayer) event.getEntity());
			event.addCapability(ID, createProvider(money));

	public void playerClone(PlayerEvent.Clone event) {
		final IMoney oldMoney = getMoney(event.getOriginal());
		final IMoney newMoney = getMoney(event.getEntityPlayer());

		if (newMoney != null && oldMoney != null) {



public interface IMoney {
int getMoney();

void setMoney(int moneyToSet);

void addMoney(int moneyToAdd);


public class Money implements IMoney{

protected static final UUID MODIFIER_ID = UUID.fromString("d5d0d878-b3c2-469b-ba89-ac01c0635a9c");

protected static final String MODIFIER_NAME = "Money";

protected static final int MIN_AMOUNT = 0;

private final EntityPlayer player;

private int money;

public Money(EntityPlayer player) {
	this.player = player;
    public static final IAttribute MONEY_ATT = (new RangedAttribute((IAttribute)null, "money", 1000,0,1000000000)).setDescription("Money").setShouldWatch(true);
    private final IAttributeInstance dummyMoneyAttribute = new AttributeMap().registerAttribute(MONEY_ATT);

public final int getMoney() {		
	return money;


 * Set the bonus max health.
 * @param bonusMaxHealth The bonus max health
public final void setMoney(int money) {
	this.money = money;

public final void addMoney(int moneyToAdd) {
	setMoney(getMoney() + moneyToAdd);


protected AttributeModifier createModifier() {
	return new AttributeModifier(MODIFIER_ID, MODIFIER_NAME, getMoney(), Constants.ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIER_OPERATION_ADD);
protected void onMoneyChanged() {
	if (player == null) return;
	final IAttributeInstance playerMoneyAttribute;
	playerMoneyAttribute = player.getEntityAttribute(MONEY_ATT);


	playerMoneyAttribute.getModifiers().stream().filter(modifier -> !modifier.getID().equals(MODIFIER_ID)).forEach(dummyMoneyAttribute::applyModifier);

	AttributeModifier modifier = createModifier();

	final AttributeModifier oldModifier = playerMoneyAttribute.getModifier(MODIFIER_ID);
	if (oldModifier != null) {
	} else {



This I got from a tutorial from Choonster.

I understand most of it (not the dummy part) but it give as error at playerMoneyAttribute.getBaseValue(); (Class Money.java)

player.getEntityAttribute(MONEY_ATT) return null appaerently so .getBaseValue() gives null pointer.


Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm not doing something I should.


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Either create an attribute or capability for your money, you don't need both. My max health capability only exists because I need to manage an attribute modifier for an existing attribute.


If you're using an attribute, call


once when an entity first joins the world to create the attribute instance. You can then use


to get the attribute instance and set its current value. You don't need to use attribute modifiers.


If you're using a capability, just store the money value in the capability instance and sync it to the client when necessary. Don't mess around with attributes.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Ofcourse :) Thanks.

Almost getting it to work as it should.

I now have 2 more problems.

[*]Whenever I rejoin my world the client resets the value to it's base while the server keeps the correct value. How do I fix that? (Packets and Pakcet handling?)

[*]I made a RightClickBlock event but every now and again it decides to fire twice on the same right click (both for client and server). Any ideas on that?



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Single player is just a server with one player logged in. If you write your code properly, you don't need to care about which type of server is running.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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