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Extreme Sudden Unexpected TPS Lag

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I've been playing i a world for about a week or so now purely for the purposes of testing new 1.10.2 mods and some custom recipes i'm doing for a modpack; when today without any warning all of a sudden it lagged like someone was priming 10 IC2 nukes every 15 or so sec apart. It has now become unplayable (0-5 tps at max) all the while it was filling the log with 1000 line repetitions of about 3 variants. I tried to put it on pastebin but its 14.5mb large and 110k lines long; approx 77k+ is the reptitions.


Prior to entering the world i had disabled IC2 oregen & enabled Tech Reborn's worldgen with retrogen on; i also had explored very little of the world around spawn so it wasn't trying to retrogen for an entire server of 10+ players. http://pastebin.com/3wAXBspg, this is the bottom most complete one. Any ideas as to why the sudden unplayable tps lag???


Thanks, The_Creamster.



There is no active machines, mob farms(world is in peaceful mode) etc... incase someone asks that question.

Edit 2:

The mods i updated/added before launching were forestry(updated) & compact solars(added).

Edit 3:

Disabling compact solars did nothing, next to see if disabling forestry will help.

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    at team.chisel.common.util.GenerationHandler.replace(GenerationHandler.java:95) ~[GenerationHandler.class:?]

    at team.chisel.common.util.GenerationHandler.onLavaLakes(GenerationHandler.java:76) ~[GenerationHandler.class:?]

Try removing Chisel and reporting it to the authors, Something in their worl gen is causing MC to recursivly loop.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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I was going to do a 4th edit yesterday but the site wouldn't load so here is my 4th edit. at the same time i was enabling & disabling mods i enabled Tech Reborn's retrogen and that's when i got the lag. Disabling it stopped the lag and its already reported on their github.



it was also referencing Forestry, biome generation, chunk generation, world generation etc... Infact more things than i had the time & patience to list here.

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