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What version of supported forge will you get help with?


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I made an account yesterday and was told that forge 1.7.10 isnt supported, so Im wondering what is.


What version does it become "supported"

Also I have no idea where i should post this question but this does say SUPPORT and bug reports so I guess this is the right area to do so.

Almost all of the mods I like using are not for 1.10.2 or are a WIP(tinkers construct) so hopefully you dont only support 1.10.2

Also would I get help eventually if I was using 1.7.10? I got an answer on a locked thread but it didn't make any sense because whoever wrote either meant we won't help you or we will help you.

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The current version of Minecraft.

Typically it is also custom for us to give leniency for the previous version of Minecraft as well as we fully understand that sometimes mods take a while to update.

However you're asking for support on a version that is TWO YEARS out of date.

There is no more development for it on Forge's end.

There is NO reason modders should be developing for it.

If you as a user decide to use it that's great. But don't expect us to help you with it.

It's a stupid analogy but it's apt. It's like calling up Microsoft and asking for them to fix your windows XP install.

Its not a hard concept, stop being a pain.



If you use 1.10.2: Feel free to ask questions here

If you don't: Fix your own shit.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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