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Troubles with interact()


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Hello again,


So..... I'm back again unfortunately having to ask for more help converting over to Forge. This time however, it is with my interact!


I have noticed that I get either "ticking entity" errors or a NullPointerException error when anything calls the interact function. More specifically, when I right click on my entities. Most of the items in the interact function either tames the entities, or swaps them with a different entity(evolving). So..My logical guess is that something on the server side is not compatible with my code, but I do not have enough knowledge to really know what exactly that might be.



Here's my interact code:



public boolean interact(EntityPlayer entityplayer)
        ItemStack itemstack = entityplayer.inventory.getCurrentItem();

        if (readyToTame)
            return true;

        if (itemstack == null && isTamed())
            sitting = !sitting;
            motionY = 0;
            motionX = 0;
            motionZ = 0;
            return true;

          if(itemstack!=null && itemstack.itemID == digimobs.xros.shiftedIndex)
            itemstack = null;
            return false;
        if (itemstack!=null && itemstack.itemID == digimobs.digirope.shiftedIndex)
            itemstack = null;
            return false;
        if (itemstack!=null && itemstack.itemID == digimobs.digivice.shiftedIndex)
        {	itemstack = null;
            return true;

        if (isTamed() && itemstack.itemID == digimobs.data.shiftedIndex)
        	case 3:exp+=45;
        	case 2:exp+=35;
        	case 1:exp+=15;
        	case 0:exp+=10;
            return true;

        if (itemstack!=null && itemstack.getItem().shiftedIndex == digimobs.acorn.shiftedIndex
                ||itemstack!=null && itemstack.getItem().shiftedIndex == digimobs.acorn.shiftedIndex)
            //if((int)hunger!=(int)getMaxHunger() && itemstack!=null && itemstack.getItem() instanceof ItemFood)hunger+=2;
             * worldObj.playSoundAtEntity( this, "sound.secret", 0.6F,
             * ((rand.nextFloat() - rand.nextFloat()) * 0.2F + 1.0F) / 0.8F);
            worldObj.spawnParticle("heart", posX, posY + height, posZ, 0,
                    0, 0);
            return true;

        if (isEvolveItem(itemstack) && isTamed())
            return true;

        if (isTamed())
            sitting = !sitting;
            motionY = 0;
            motionX = 0;
            motionZ = 0;

        return super.interact(entityplayer);



Thanks for any insight you may be able to provide! :)

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