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What i'm trying to do is have a potion effect that render cows as cave spider.

Event handler:


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I'll try to use packets to update that.

When the game knows if the cow have a potion effect (due to me logging in and out), the console is printing out this repetitive message:


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The 212 line of minh2908.potions.init.events.EventSubscriber is the r.doRender part of the code that i posted.



Tried the isRemote check, doesn't seems to fix it

The entire console after i terminate the game was this:


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I did see something like:

Exception caught during firing event net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderLivingEvent$Pre@1400b97 (number changes everytime, I got this through a screenshot).

It has something to do with the dorender part, because it works if i just use event.setCanceled(true)


The reason is when you r.doRender() it invokes the RenderLivingEvent.Pre event, so recursion happens, where the method keeps calling itself, until the stack overflows. I don't know how you'd fix it but maybe you'd have to render it yourself.


If you look at RenderLivingBase, which your renderer extends, and look at its doRender(), you see the first line is

public void doRender(T entity, double x, double y, double z, float entityYaw, float partialTicks)
        // This is how forge invokes the event.
        if (net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderLivingEvent.Pre<T>(entity, this, x, y, z))) return;


Yeah, I thought that was the case when I saw the code in the console. Any idea on how to solve it?


Edit: I've solved this by adding and removing tags. Thanks for telling me the problem!

Edit2: When they move, it looks very glitchy . Why is that? (i'm not experience with rendering stuff)

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