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Fatally Missing Blocks and Items


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I really don't know whats going on but whenever I try to join my minecraft server it says "Fatally missing blocks and items!".


Client Log:



Server Log:



P.S. Hopefully It's not Lex who's responding to this since the last time I uploaded this problem he called me a moron and sent me a link saying "If you don't know how to run a java file you're a moron", and that has nothing to do with my problem. If it is Lex then you should be nicer to people.

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Thread locked, and posting privileges removed for 24 hours. Don't remake the exact same thread after the first is locked.

He also needs to learn the difference between a signature and post.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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