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Hey folks!!!!

Great news. The contest was a hit and we've turned out some amazing new designs and logos. From everyone on the Forge team I want to say thanks for participating and giving us some awesome things to work with.


With that said though you all aren't reading this to see me say thanks so lets get down to the important stuff, like you know, who the hell won.



So without further distraction I present you our winner:




By: PitchBright


Now with every new thing something old must pass. So with that I'm also happy to announce that here is the next while we will also be updating the forums, website, and a few other things, to match our new branding.


Thanks again to everyone who submitted entries to the contest.









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I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


Here's my submission: http://www.mediafire.com/download/z32tdth9wzmf18u/ForgeLogo_.zip

I've added slight depth to the logos. I've also fixed the white space on the B/W version. Business cards are now all there along with a blank one for your own use. The second animation and Synfig file are in there too.


Here's my submission: http://www.mediafire.com/download/n8pwm5xukfb31ff/ForgeLogo.zip

The business cards are at http://www.mediafire.com/download/91tw1ojo967j5lu/Buisness_Card.zip Don't use the ones in the other zip. I made new cards, but didn't want to re-upload the whole thing. There is also another idea for the animation at http://www.mediafire.com/download/mo314d07o630kox/Animation2.avi which Lex described in his post further down. (EDIT: Business cards have been updated with LexMannos' information and Trotter's. Use the same link for the business cards above.)



And because I made some others that were deemed not so good, I figured I'd just link them as inspiration for others:

http://www.mediafire.com/download/ki14nvjk9adg66v/Fail1.zip (View SVGs in Inkscape or IE/Edge for them to work)



I may yet make another if my current one is deemed s**t :P


P.S. if any of the links are broken just let me know and I'll fix them.

P.P.S. If any of the SVGs fail to load, it's probably because I forgot to export to a plain SVG from Inkscape. If you let me know, I can swap out the faulty SVG.


Hello guys!


Here is my offer for the logo-design: www.il-online.at/upload_stuff/forge_logo.zip


However, I am always open to new suggestions!









- I added more information about the anvil and the hammer in the readme.txt (I had forgotten this - sorry!)

- The business cards have now a backside and I changed the text. (There is also a print and a preview version now the zip.)

- I added another PDF with some color information in it.

- I added 2 .svg files - RGB and CMYK - ready to use.



BTW: I can't send you a private message LexManos... "Has blocked your private message" appears^^




Whelp as we're getting close to the end I figured i'd step in and give my thoughts on what we currently have:


iLexiconn: I like its simplicity, a bit too on the nose with Minecraft. I'd like to stay away from cubes in general.


jajo_11: Interesting concept, again I like the simplicity. However the cube is a bit Minecrafty. And the single pixel border is rather hard to see at the sizes we'd most likely use this. Also, what font is that? Is it a permissive license?


Bottersnike: I think that the SVGs may be a little messed up as it doesn't render the full 'E' for me. However, I do like the hammers. Again fairly simple/clean and moving away from the dead-on Minecraft vibe. As for the animation I think it's nice, but it may be better if it was just one of the hammers going horizontal to vertical, as if striking. Only question I have is did you get the images for the hammers somewhere or are they 100% home grown?


silenz: Interesting concept, however my main concern is that its just the word Forge. And the 'logo' looks like an 'A' with a 'T' inside it and is a bit to confusing as nothing in Forge has a 'A' or a 'T'.


effective: I like it, it's simple, clean, the license for the font is permissive. My only concern so far is the icon itself. It seems to be a derivative of this, which isn't bad as it's a free/open icon as long as attribution is provided. Is the hammer taken from anywhere and can we verify its license? As for the card, get rid of the 'God' part, makes me sound arrogant, its on the forums as a joke. I usually just put "Lead Developer" :P


PitchBright: And finally to you, yours is definitely the most well presented :P So let's start off, the logo again as with the others I like the simplicity. Small anvil with the name simple, clean, can be put anywhere and just works. The anvil is clean enough that it can be used as a standalone icon and still be visible even at smaller sizes. However the artwork license is both a bit confusing and rather expensive. Not to mention that as we talked about before, it has too much of that 'Football' feel to it. Found an alternative here that has a much more permissive license and doesn't have the football feel. As for the business card, i would say use the 'corporate' as the back. And the logo on the front. Makes it cleaner/less busy. The fonts are however a question as I'm having difficulty understanding their license. If I understand it correctly we can buy the desktop license and we can then use it to create the images. Which are then freely distribuitable with no limitations?


Anways, this is my first pass at this all. I will say I'm heavily leaning towards effective and PitchBright right now as they are doing a good job moving away from the "THIS IS OBVIOUSLY MINECRAFT".

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

  On 9/17/2016 at 3:00 PM, PitchBright said:

My 12 year old niece made this for you Lex. I think it's pretty good. She loves Forge, and is heavily into modding. It would break her little heart if you didn't like it.



I really don't want to look like a complete c*nt but like these are in my opinion extremely close to simmilar blacksmith labels and vectors.. I don't know i think if it is more unique and diffirent than the Forge's current logo : http://prntscr.com/cjxfo5 but at the same time i guess that is kind of the brand's thing but.. i don't know i like unique and new stuff. An idea just poped off in my head but it is too late i guess

  On 9/17/2016 at 3:00 PM, PitchBright said:

My 12 year old niece made this for you Lex. I think it's pretty good. She loves Forge, and is heavily into modding. It would break her little heart if you didn't like it.




Did a 12 year old seriously do that? Like all of that from scratch?

If so impressive.

The man with the anvil is so-so, but the anvil icon is like a army knife anvil combo. Looks cool.


Alright guys. The contest is over. Thank you all for your submissions.

Once I get a moment I will have a post up announcing the winner.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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