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Possible Bug With Player Movement. [I only experience this on forge] - newest


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When I am moving around building, not all of the time, but on an occasion I will be holding w for up or d to move my player to the right, or any other direction for that matter. My player will then keep moving in that direction after the key is pressed and released. Its not that my keys are stuck, but its like the key is stuck, is a simple way to explain it. The game sticks the key in-game. Keyboard is 100% alright (key not stuck in reality).


Pressing escape and going to the menu does not stop this issue when it occurs.

You will continue going in the direction you are stuck going in once closing the menu.


I only experience this on forge and not vanilla minecraft, so I figure it as a forge bug and not a vanilla bug.


I am able to fix when this happens by pressing wasdwasdwasdwasdw over and over til my player unsticks.

But, at the same time, that's not really a fix... and it is rather blah


That's all I can do though :\


This is me doing more than that though... not being lazy, doing the report thing... so here it goes. *crosses fingers*

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Sadly this isn't something we can reproduce.

A log from a session it happens in *might* help if its an error causing the keybindings to be missed.

Also make sure you can reproduce this without any mods.

Also from personal experience in other games, try reproducing this with no external control pad plugged in {JoyStick, game controller, etc..}

Also, if you can reliably reproduce this, it would help us if you could tell us what versions you CAN and what versions you CANT. As that helps us track down what changes may be effecting you.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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And I personally don't believe I can just sit here and play minecraft with a recorder long enough for it to reproduce.

Its not something that happens too awfully frequent, kinda rare, kinda common somewhere in between there.

All I have plugged in is a keyboard, single usb stick, and mouse. (I could see about just unplugging the keyboard and plugging it back in instead of awds over and over, would probably work.)


The largest file size of mod I play with is 620kb... It wasn't like I was overloading it or anything.

I'm only playing with 4 mods til thaumcraft rolls around again.


1.10.2-forge1.10.2- Is the one I was playing on, but its happened in many versions beforehand too.


I just write it off as a small quirk when it occurs, but it eventually got to me, and I guess I felt as though I should report it.



I would ask if there is something specifically that could trigger such a thing happening... That way if it was something I could go back and double check then I would. But nah... Wouldn't be cool to know.



Would be nice to double check if I needed to though... sucks I can't just be like, "here's the info you need!"

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The largest file size of mod I play with is 620kb... It wasn't like I was overloading it or anything.
For future note, size of a mod means nothing. You could have a mod thats <1KB that completely screws over ever class in the game.

It's not a matter of overloading anything, it's a matter of mods being stupid.

I would ask if there is something specifically that could trigger such a thing happening... That way if it was something I could go back and double check then I would. But nah... Wouldn't be cool to know.
Only thing that would cause it to happen on our/vanilla setup  would be if your've somehow screwed up your LWJGL libraries and its giving us bad values. But if that is the case its not something we can fix on our end.


And ya, we can't really fix these 'random' issues... So ya, just live with it as a qwerk until you can figure out if its a specific forge version, or a mod.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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I saw the first part of your post a year ago.  ;D

(but that's alright  :P::)



-Well, okie dokie then. Somethin' funny happens again... I'll run outside or something and scream at a tree.


P.S. I still blame you partially... you still get some of it. You were the one behind the manufacturing of this keyboard! ;D

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