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"This world was saved with mod [...]"


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Hello dev team!


Thanks for your awesome work with Forge, it's a great fun to play with the mods, thanks to you :)



Sooo, to make it short:

-Used to play 1.9.4, with Forge's according version.

-Mods, which were running fine: Biome o Plenty; Roguelike Dungeon


Now i wanted to update my server. It's hosted at GGserver, so i'm using a FTP.

What i did:

-Went on Forge, download the latest vers. "install as server", then upload libraries + jar files to the server's FTP. This is how i installed the server at the first place.

-Uploaded latest recommended versions in the /mods foldier, in the FTP (again, i'm familiar with this)

-Updated my client MC folder with the same mods.


I launch the whole thing, and get the pastebin. This is from the log 'fml-server-1".




(if it's the wrong file, i'll upload the one you guys need :) )

(i didn't postt the latest, as my latest was the try with the "brand new world", so everything worked technically fine)




What made me tick were those 3 lines:

"This world was saved with mod Forge which appears to be missing, things may not work well"

"This world was saved with mod Biome o Plenty which appears to be missing, things may not work well"

"This world was saved with mod Roguelike which appears to be missing, things may not work well"




If i launch everything and ask it to create a new map (aka remove the "World" files), it works just fine and mods work.




Am i missing something obvious? It's late, i might have done a copy/paste mistake amongst all the files i moved bak & forth in the FTP.




Thanks a lot for your help!




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From your log:

"Run the command /fml confirm or or /fml cancel to proceed.

Alternatively start the server with -Dfml.queryResult=confirm or -Dfml.queryResult=cancel to preselect the answer."


There are missing items and blocks (probably been removed in the updated mods), the server halts when it finds this and asks for input on how to proceed.

If you have console access to the server, enter "/fml confirm" when the above comes up.

If not, edit your launch script and add "-Dfml.queryResult=confirm"



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Thanks for your answer! So yeah, that launched the server, and indeed, i check, Amethyst stuff was removed.

However here's a thing that really glitched hard & bad:

width=165 height=92http://img11.hostingpics.net/thumbs/mini_45150720161217145027.png[/img]


It might have to do with the fact i launched it a first time & everything mod-related was missing.

But how come now some leaves are here, some aren't, some wood is here, some isn't? (The vines hanging in the air are supposed to be attached to a giant Bioomee O plenty tree :) )


(I'm currently rolling back to an older map, i hope it'll fix everything...Crossing fingers)

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UPDATE: rolled back to a week old map, i think it's working now! I really hope i never fuck this up so nicely again :|


Ravenleft, could you please explain me how to edit the launching script?

As in GGserver/My FTP, i got a "jar" folder, shove "forge.jar" and "minecraft_server_1.11.jar", and that's it (with libraries of course!)

In "config", got forge.cfg, maybee i'm supposed to create a whole new entry?



Thanks for the help again!

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