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[1.11.2 Solved] GuiButton over an other GuiButton + question aboute Note Blocks


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Hi !

I'm currently "simulating" a Piano keyboard to modify a noteblock with a background image, where each key is a GuiButton, but when you press a the dark key on the top, both dark key button and white key button will be pressed, but I only want the dark one to be pressed. Explanation for those who didn't understand :


When I press on the red spot, only the button 1 is pressed. That works.

But when I press on the blue spot, both button 6 and button 5 are pressed, but I only want the button 6 to be pressed.

I'm using a custom button class that can differenciate if the key is white or black, but I'm stuck here.

This is what I've done so far :

package com.franckyi.editor.block.gui;

import java.io.IOException;

import com.franckyi.editor.block.BlockEditorMod;
import com.franckyi.editor.block.helper.BlockHelper;
import com.franckyi.editor.block.helper.EnumInstrument;
import com.franckyi.editor.ibe.gui.GuiEnumButton;
import com.franckyi.editor.ibe.gui.GuiUpdaterScreen;
import com.franckyi.editor.ibe.gui.GuiUtils;
import com.franckyi.editor.ibe.gui.GuiUtils.ButtonSize;
import com.franckyi.editor.ibe.gui.GuiZButton;

import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.audio.PositionedSoundRecord;
import net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundHandler;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
import net.minecraft.init.SoundEvents;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.SoundEvent;

public class GuiEditNoteBlock extends GuiUpdaterScreen {

private GuiEnumButton<Byte> instrumentButton;
private byte currentNote;
private GuiKeyButton[] keyButtons = new GuiKeyButton[26];
private final ButtonSize white = new ButtonSize(27, 100, 1);
private final ButtonSize black = new ButtonSize(19, 59, 2);
private int blackSpacing, firstX, y;

public GuiEditNoteBlock(Integer previousScreen, Object modInstance) {
	super(previousScreen, modInstance);

public void initGui() {
	blackSpacing = white.getWidth() - black.getWidth();
	firstX = (width - (14 * (black.getWidth() + blackSpacing) + black.getWidth())) / 2;
	y = (height - white.getHeight()) / 2;
	buttonList.add(doneButton = new GuiButton(30, width / 2 - 100, 3 * height / 4, 90, 20, "§2Done"));
	buttonList.add(cancelButton = new GuiButton(31, width / 2 + 10, 3 * height / 4, 90, 20, "§4Cancel"));
			instrumentButton = new GuiEnumButton(32, width / 4, height / 8, 100, 20, "", EnumInstrument.class));
	currentNote = BlockHelper.clientTileEntity.getTileData().getByte("note");
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[0] = new GuiKeyButton(0, firstX, y, black, "0"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[1] = new GuiKeyButton(1, firstX + black.getWidth() / 2, y, white, "1"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[2] = new GuiKeyButton(2, firstX + black.getWidth() + blackSpacing, y, black, "2"));
			keyButtons[3] = new GuiKeyButton(3, firstX + white.getWidth() + black.getWidth() / 2, y, white, "3"));
			keyButtons[4] = new GuiKeyButton(4, firstX + 2 * (black.getWidth() + blackSpacing), y, black, "4"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[5] = new GuiKeyButton(5, firstX + 2 * white.getWidth() + black.getWidth() / 2, y,
			white, "5"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[6] = new GuiKeyButton(6, firstX + 3 * white.getWidth() + black.getWidth() / 2, y,
			white, "6"));
			keyButtons[7] = new GuiKeyButton(7, firstX + 4 * (black.getWidth() + blackSpacing), y, black, "7"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[8] = new GuiKeyButton(8, firstX + 4 * white.getWidth() + black.getWidth() / 2, y,
			white, "8"));
			keyButtons[9] = new GuiKeyButton(9, firstX + 5 * (black.getWidth() + blackSpacing), y, black, "9"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[10] = new GuiKeyButton(10, firstX + 5 * white.getWidth() + black.getWidth() / 2, y,
			white, "10"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[11] = new GuiKeyButton(11, firstX + 6 * white.getWidth() + black.getWidth() / 2, y,
			white, "11"));
			keyButtons[12] = new GuiKeyButton(12, firstX + 7 * (black.getWidth() + blackSpacing), y, black, "12"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[13] = new GuiKeyButton(13, firstX + 7 * white.getWidth() + black.getWidth() / 2, y,
			white, "13"));
			keyButtons[14] = new GuiKeyButton(14, firstX + 8 * (black.getWidth() + blackSpacing), y, black, "14"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[15] = new GuiKeyButton(15, firstX + 8 * white.getWidth() + black.getWidth() / 2, y,
			white, "15"));
			keyButtons[16] = new GuiKeyButton(16, firstX + 9 * (black.getWidth() + blackSpacing), y, black, "16"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[17] = new GuiKeyButton(17, firstX + 9 * white.getWidth() + black.getWidth() / 2, y,
			white, "17"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[18] = new GuiKeyButton(18, firstX + 10 * white.getWidth() + black.getWidth() / 2, y,
			white, "18"));
			keyButtons[19] = new GuiKeyButton(19, firstX + 11 * (black.getWidth() + blackSpacing), y, black, "19"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[20] = new GuiKeyButton(20, firstX + 11 * white.getWidth() + black.getWidth() / 2, y,
			white, "20"));
			keyButtons[21] = new GuiKeyButton(21, firstX + 12 * (black.getWidth() + blackSpacing), y, black, "21"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[22] = new GuiKeyButton(22, firstX + 12 * white.getWidth() + black.getWidth() / 2, y,
			white, "22"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[23] = new GuiKeyButton(23, firstX + 13 * white.getWidth() + black.getWidth() / 2, y,
			white, "23"));
			keyButtons[24] = new GuiKeyButton(24, firstX + 14 * (black.getWidth() + blackSpacing), y, black, "24"));
	buttonList.add(keyButtons[25] = new GuiKeyButton(25, -100, -100, black, "")); // Used to remove a bug where the background changes color

public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
	super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks);
	super.drawString(fontRendererObj, "Current Note : " + currentNote, width / 2, height / 8 + 6, 0xffffff);
			.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation(BlockEditorMod.MODID, "textures/gui/noteblockkeyboard.png"));
	GuiUtils.drawModalRectWithCustomSizedTexture(keyButtons[0].xPosition - (black.getWidth() / 2 + blackSpacing),
			keyButtons[0].yPosition, 0, 0, 16 * (black.getWidth() + blackSpacing), 100,
			16 * (black.getWidth() + blackSpacing), 100, 3);

protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button) throws IOException {
	for (GuiKeyButton key : keyButtons) {
		if (button == key){
			currentNote = (byte) key.keyNumber;

protected void updateServer() {


private void playSound() {
	SoundHandler soundHandlerIn = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSoundHandler();
	switch ((int) instrumentButton.getValue()) {
	case (0):
				PositionedSoundRecord.getMasterRecord(SoundEvents.BLOCK_NOTE_HARP, getPitchFromNote(currentNote)));
	case (1):
				PositionedSoundRecord.getMasterRecord(SoundEvents.BLOCK_NOTE_BASEDRUM, getPitchFromNote(currentNote)));
	case (2):
				PositionedSoundRecord.getMasterRecord(SoundEvents.BLOCK_NOTE_SNARE, getPitchFromNote(currentNote)));
	case (3):
				PositionedSoundRecord.getMasterRecord(SoundEvents.BLOCK_NOTE_HAT, getPitchFromNote(currentNote)));
	case (4):
				PositionedSoundRecord.getMasterRecord(SoundEvents.BLOCK_NOTE_BASS, getPitchFromNote(currentNote)));

private float getPitchFromNote(int currentNote) {
	switch (currentNote) {
	case (0):
		return 0.5f;
	case (1):
		return 0.53f;
	case (2):
		return 0.6f;
	case (3):
		return 0.6f;
	case (4):
		return 0.63f;
	case (5):
		return 0.67f;
	case (6):
		return 0.7f;
	case (7):
		return 0.76f;
	case (:
		return 0.8f;
	case (9):
		return 0.84f;
	case (10):
		return 0.9f;
	case (11):
		return 0.94f;
	case (12):
		return 1f;
	case (13):
		return 1.06f;
	case (14):
		return 1.12f;
	case (15):
		return 1.18f;
	case (16):
		return 1.26f;
	case (17):
		return 1.34f;
	case (18):
		return 1.42f;
	case (19):
		return 1.5f;
	case (20):
		return 1.6f;
	case (21):
		return 1.68f;
	case (22):
		return 1.78f;
	case (23):
		return 1.88f;
	case (24):
		return 2f;
		return 0f;

public class GuiKeyButton extends GuiZButton {

	private int keyNumber;
	private boolean isWhite;

	public GuiKeyButton(int buttonId, int x, int y, ButtonSize size, String buttonText) {
		super(buttonId, x, y, size, buttonText);
		keyNumber = buttonId;
		isWhite = size.getZLevel() == white.getZLevel();

	public void playPressSound(SoundHandler soundHandlerIn) { }


I'm using some custom classes here, so if also you want them, just tell me.

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I would make a custom button class for the large keys (1,3,5,7 in your image) that only check the lower portion of their bounds for mouse-inside.  You wouldn't be able to click inside the narrow bits between the black keys, but it would prevent the double-press.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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I found a solution.

I overriden GuiButton::mousePressed in my custom button class and checked if the mouse position is or isn't on the white key, depending if the pressed key is white or black and also depending on the key number (because there are 3 different types of white keys, the n°1 isn't the same as the n°2 and both aren't the same as n°7).

With a lot of conditions, I managed it to be working.


Now, I have an other question. When the player opens the GUI, I want to display the current instrument and the current note.

I can get the current instrument by getting the block material below the noteblock and that works.

But I want to get the note played, and I'm using

currentNote = ((TileEntityNote) BlockHelper.clientTileEntity).note;



is the variable I use to store the note,



is set before the player opens the GUI with

BlockHelper.clientTileEntity = player.world.getTileEntity(rayTrace.getBlockPos());








player.rayTrace(5, 1)


But that's not working, I always get 0. Can someone help me ?

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