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Adding Suffixes/Extended tooltips for Items and Blocks?


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Hey there!


I've just gotten started with forge, I've published my mod, and I currently love it.


Though, right now, I'm extending my mod, and adding some food. The pars, the float and the boolean are already added, and I want the food to have a tooltip saying:

(The item's name is Falling's Mystery Meat)

"It smells weird". In a green color underneath the item's name, like it does in Stevescarts for example.


Here's the food class, but I'm assuming it's either in the public statics, or in the Language Registry. Or I'm entirely wrong, and I just now sounded like a big noob.




package net.gemstone.src;


import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;

import net.minecraft.item.Item;

import net.minecraft.item.ItemFood;


public class FallFood extends ItemFood {


public FallFood (int par1, int par2, float f, boolean par3) {

super(par1, par2, par3) ;





public String getTextureFile() {









I appreciate your help. Special thanks to the Forgeteam for their awesome api!


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This is how i would do it.


public class FallFood extends ItemFood {
   private final String setInfo;
   private final String setColor;

   public FallFood (int par1, int par2, float f, boolean par3) {
 super(par1, par2, par3) ;
 this.setInfo = "It smells weird";
 this.setColor = "\u00A7a";
   public void addInformation(ItemStack itemStack, EntityPlayer entityPlayer, List list, boolean bool) {
   private String setToolTipData(){
 return this.setColor + this.setInfo;

   public String getTextureFile() {



hopefully this gets you on track


and color refrence




\u00A70 = Black

\u00A71 = Dark Blue

\u00A72 = Dark Green

\u00A73 = Dark Cyan

\u00A74 = Dark Red

\u00A75 = Purple

\u00A76 = Orange

\u00A77 = Light Grey

\u00A78 = Dark Grey

\u00A7a = Light Green

\u00A7b = Light Cyan

\u00A7c = Light Red

\u00A7d = Pink

\u00A7e = Yellow

\u00A7f = White



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