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[1.11.2] skipping night in custom dimension


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i have the bed working in the sense that it lets you get in it and will save the location as a spawn point but the time will not advance to morning when "waking" and the weather will not reset. i attempted to use the event playerWakeInBed to force the update, but it immediately got set back to night, i assumed because the event is being called client side and instantly overridden by the server.

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54 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Please show your code.

umm. what code? having set canRespawnHere to true and forcing the spawn point to a fixed position if there's no bed there's nothing else I'm doing. the above mentioned event was something i tried in 1.9.4. it is not currently being used. i didnt see the point in trying it for 1.11.2 given the way in which it failed.


it looked like this: 


	public EntityPlayer.SleepResult playerSleepInLostWorld(PlayerWakeUpEvent psibe)
		World wrld = psibe.getEntityPlayer().worldObj;
		if(wrld.provider instanceof LostWorldProvider)
        if (wrld.getGameRules().getBoolean("doDaylightCycle"))
            long i = wrld.getWorldInfo().getWorldTime() + 24000L;
            wrld.getWorldInfo().setWorldTime(i - i % 24000L);
            System.out.println(wrld.getWorldInfo().getWorldTime() + 24000L);
        System.out.println(wrld.getWorldInfo().getWorldTime() + 24000L);
		return null;//psibe.getResultStatus();


the system.out confirmed the rapid switching of the time, to morning, then straight back to night.

Edited by salvestrom
missed info
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Event methods don't return anything. They need to modify the event object passed to it.

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47 minutes ago, Draco18s said:

Event methods don't return anything. They need to modify the event object passed to it.

this was for 1.9.4. the return was required, iirc.. in anycase. im not using it atm.


the provider (i realise several methods are pointlessly overidden):


public class LostWorldProvider extends WorldProvider {
	public DimensionType getDimensionType() {
		return w2theJungle.LOST_WORLD;
	public void init()
        this.hasSkyLight = true;
		this.biomeProvider = new BiomeProviderSingle(JungleBiomeRegistry.lostJungle);
        this.hasNoSky = false; //using reduces lag but makes dark. true to remove lag.false

	public IChunkGenerator createChunkGenerator(){
		return new LostChunkProvider(this.world, this.world.getSeed(), this.world.getWorldInfo().isMapFeaturesEnabled());
  protected void generateLightBrightnessTable()
	  float f = 0.15f;//0.15F;// + this.worldObj.getHeight()/200;
	  for (int i = 0; i <= 15; ++i)
		  float f1 = 1.0F - (float)i / 15F;
		  this.lightBrightnessTable[i] = (1.0F - f1) / (f1 * 3.0F + 1.0F) * (1.0F - f) + f;
  public double getMovementFactor()
      return 2.0;
	public String getDimensionName() {
		return "Lost World";

    public void resetRainAndThunder()
    public boolean isSurfaceWorld()
        return true;
    public boolean canRespawnHere()
        return true;  //required tru to prevent beds exploding.

    public float getCloudHeight()
        return 33F;
    public String getWelcomeMessage()
    	return "Entering the Lost World";
    public String getDepartMessage()
    	return "Leaving the Lost World";

    public BlockPos getRandomizedSpawnPoint()
        BlockPos ret = this.world.getSpawnPoint();
        return ret;
    public BlockPos getSpawnPoint()
        return new BlockPos(0, 54, 0);
    public void setSpawnPoint(BlockPos pos)
        world.getWorldInfo().setSpawn(new BlockPos(0, 54, 0));
    public int getHeight()
        return 128;

    public int getActualHeight()
        return 128;
    public boolean isDaytime()
        return world.getSkylightSubtracted() < 4;
    public void setWorldTime(long time)

    public long getWorldTime()
        return this.world.getWorldInfo().getWorldTime();



Edited by diesieben07
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