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[Solved] Define inventory model in blockstates file

Jay Avery

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Is it possible to define a model from its parent and textures (rather than just specifying the path to an existing model) inside the blockstates file? I have a block which uses a different block model based on a few states, and a special item model in the inventory (rather than just the standard inventory block model). I'm wondering if there's a way for me to define all of this within the blockstates file, instead of needing to make a separate item model. This is what I've tried so far, and the block models are working fine but in the inventory it's the purple-black checkered cube. Have I made a mistake with my formatting, or is it just not possible to do this way?


    "forge_marker": 1,
    "variants": {
        "facing=up": { "model": "jjmod:lights/candle_beeswax_up" },
        "facing=east": { "model": "jjmod:lights/candle_beeswax_side" },
        "facing=south": { "model": "jjmod:lights/candle_beeswax_side", "y": 90 },
        "facing=west": { "model": "jjmod:lights/candle_beeswax_side", "y": 180 },
        "facing=north": { "model": "jjmod:lights/candle_beeswax_side", "y": 270 },
        "inventory": [{
            "parent": "item/generated",
            "textures": {
                "layer0": "jjmod:items/candle_beeswax"



Edited by Jay Avery
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8 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

"parent" is a key for a model file, not a variant in a blockstate json. You want to use "model" there and it should work.

With that change, the inventory model is now broken in a slightly different way:

Screen Shot 2017-02-22 at 17.45.26.png

The block models are still fine.


Edit: I have no idea what this thing with floating in front of the crosshair is, is that something from a recent update?!

Edited by Jay Avery
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Sorry, the error for this was getting buried under all my other broken models so I wasn't able to see it at first. :D I've found the problem, it's automatically looking for the model in the block folder:

Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: minecraft:models/block/item/generated.json

Is there any way to override that? I tried changing the string to "minecraft:item/generated" and "minecraft:models/item/generated", but it stills keeps looking inside the block folder.


Edit: I guess I could just make a copy of the item/generated file and put it in my own block folder?


Edit again: well, that method works! It feels like maybe it's bad practise to have an item model in the block folder, but I can't find another way to make it work, so..

Edited by Jay Avery
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29 minutes ago, Jay Avery said:

Edit: I guess I could just make a copy of the item/generated file and put it in my own block folder?


Edit again: well, that method works! It feels like maybe it's bad practise to have an item model in the block folder, but I can't find another way to make it work, so..

That is both the only way AND the correct solution, as you have discovered.

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