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I'm currently working on a really simple mod that basically just adds a ton more achievements via the achievement page feature. And one thing I'm trying to do is check the player's inventory every so often (100 ticks is the length currently in my code but I'll probably adjust it as needed once I can get it working) so that you can earn an achievement by taking something out of a chest or by having it in your inventory without having to drop it.


I've looked through the code, and found the Forge ModLoader class ITickHandler. But I can't seem to get it to work. I have implemented it in my mod class, and include this code:


public void tickStart(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData)


public EnumSet<TickType> ticks()
	return EnumSet.of(TickType.WORLD);

public String getLabel()
	return "Achievementizer";

public void tickEnd(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData)
	System.out.println("Tick Recieved");
	Minecraft minecraft = ModLoader.getMinecraftInstance();
	tickCounter = tickCounter + 1;
	if(tickCounter > 100)
		tickCounter = 0;
		System.out.println("Checking inventory");
		EntityPlayer entityplayer = minecraft.thePlayer;
		for (int g = 0; g < entityplayer.inventory.mainInventory.length; g++)
				ItemStack checkForAchievement = entityplayer.inventory.mainInventory[g];
				handler.getAchievements(entityplayer, checkForAchievement.itemID, checkForAchievement.getItemDamage());


It recompiles and runs fine, but I get no response, so I don't think the function is firing. I suspect I'm missing an important line or two somewhere. Can anybody help me with this?


 * Load up
public void load() {
	ModLoader.setInGameHook(this, true, false);
	ModLoader.setInGUIHook(this, true, false);

 * Handle ingame ticks
 * @return 

int create = 0;
int i, j, k;
public boolean onTickInGame(float time, Minecraft minecraftInstance)
	if(mc.theWorld != null) {
		i = (int) mc.thePlayer.posX;
		j = (int) mc.thePlayer.posY;
		k = (int) mc.thePlayer.posZ;


	if(mc.theWorld != null && create == 50 && mc.thePlayer != null) {
                    Do Stuff Here

        return true;

 * Handle GUI ticks
    public boolean onTickInGUI(float tick, Minecraft game, GuiScreen gui)
    	boolean mainmenu = mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiMainMenu;
    	if(mainmenu) {
    		create = 0;
        return true;


Hope that helps, that is how I do it.




I'm currently working on a really simple mod that basically just adds a ton more achievements via the achievement page feature. And one thing I'm trying to do is check the player's inventory every so often (100 ticks is the length currently in my code but I'll probably adjust it as needed once I can get it working) so that you can earn an achievement by taking something out of a chest or by having it in your inventory without having to drop it.


I've looked through the code, and found the Forge ModLoader class ITickHandler. But I can't seem to get it to work. I have implemented it in my mod class, and include this code:


public void tickStart(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData)


public EnumSet<TickType> ticks()
	return EnumSet.of(TickType.WORLD);

public String getLabel()
	return "Achievementizer";

public void tickEnd(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData)
	System.out.println("Tick Recieved");
	Minecraft minecraft = ModLoader.getMinecraftInstance();
	tickCounter = tickCounter + 1;
	if(tickCounter > 100)
		tickCounter = 0;
		System.out.println("Checking inventory");
		EntityPlayer entityplayer = minecraft.thePlayer;
		for (int g = 0; g < entityplayer.inventory.mainInventory.length; g++)
				ItemStack checkForAchievement = entityplayer.inventory.mainInventory[g];
				handler.getAchievements(entityplayer, checkForAchievement.itemID, checkForAchievement.getItemDamage());


It recompiles and runs fine, but I get no response, so I don't think the function is firing. I suspect I'm missing an important line or two somewhere. Can anybody help me with this?



ITickHandler needs to be registered at FMLCommonHandler.instance().registerTickHandler(<instanceofmyitickhandlerclass>);


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