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Can I make it so the player will follow a certain path? (like the camera mods do?) or even walk to a certain position? Will I have to use an algorithm even if I preset the path?

29 minutes ago, TheSunCat said:

Maybe you could use the mob pathfollow code? Do you want the player to automatically avoid obstacles, but run into fire? Can you give us more details about what you are trying to do? Also, why are you doing this? Maybe there is another way...


Just want to try and make something that follows a path like the camera mods, or just try to make the player walk to start with.

Where is the mob path code located?

11 minutes ago, TheSunCat said:

Found it?




The only thing I was able to find is this.theEntity.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ

Which I don't think I can execute as the player. or can I?

Posted (edited)

Actually, I changed my mind. I want to make a mod that can "teach" my horse to ride to the destination I set in my survival world by itself. Is this possible?

Starting by making the horse ride +5 block to the x access can be good enough xD

Edited by Bets

The Pathfinding algorythm from minecraft is rather slow for big distances keep that in mind. So threading and spliting the path intopices or write an own path finding algorxthm is meybe needed.

catch(Exception e)




Yay, Pokémon exception handling, gotta catch 'em all (and then do nothing with 'em).

2 minutes ago, MCenderdragon said:

The Pathfinding algorythm from minecraft is rather slow for big distances keep that in mind. So threading and spliting the path intopices or write an own path finding algorxthm is meybe needed.


It's ok I'd just like to test it for now, can I somehow make the Horse move without pressing the W key?


You most likely need to make your own horse (so a class extending the EntityHorse) so you can overwrite all need methods so the player can nolonger control the movement of a horse, then just use the tryMoveToXYZ  method and it should work

catch(Exception e)




Yay, Pokémon exception handling, gotta catch 'em all (and then do nothing with 'em).

4 minutes ago, MCenderdragon said:

You most likely need to make your own horse (so a class extending the EntityHorse) so you can overwrite all need methods so the player can nolonger control the movement of a horse, then just use the tryMoveToXYZ  method and it should work


I don't care if the player can move the horse or not, just somehow control the WASD keys using the mod while riding the horse probably


no srew this idea you cant control the wasd keys, you need to move the horse to the place. and also if 2 instaces are trying to move the horse what should then happens ? try to begin with an entity without anything mounted on it to move to the location you want. then you can just set the player xyz position to the place were the entity is, so it looks like the player is moving but i hostly dont kknow if this is an nice game feature to get controlled like that

catch(Exception e)




Yay, Pokémon exception handling, gotta catch 'em all (and then do nothing with 'em).

Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, MCenderdragon said:

no srew this idea you cant control the wasd keys, you need to move the horse to the place. and also if 2 instaces are trying to move the horse what should then happens ? try to begin with an entity without anything mounted on it to move to the location you want. then you can just set the player xyz position to the place were the entity is, so it looks like the player is moving but i hostly dont kknow if this is an nice game feature to get controlled like that


Hmm, interesting idea - I think I have an idea, can't I make the horse constantly go forward and just change the rotation of the player? Like for example other mods trigger auto walk?

Edited by Bets
2 hours ago, MCenderdragon said:

we ingame its still the X-Y-Z movement that is calculated back with sin and cos.


Can I maybe use the code that makes the horse run to make him run by himself somehow? is it in the EntityHorse class?


I dont know that, but an untamed horse is carrying the player along and moves and rotate correct, so you should find it in the Horse or a super class of it.

catch(Exception e)




Yay, Pokémon exception handling, gotta catch 'em all (and then do nothing with 'em).

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