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add a options button for each mod on the mod list


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and have that button call a method




public void onOptionsButtonClicked(GuiOptions thistotallyisntagenericvar){

mc.displayGuiScreen(new julialyOptions(thistotallyisntagenericvar, mc.gameSettings));



This would reduce the amount of people asking "Where is the settings screen?" and reduce the overload of buttons on the options screen, and reduce the amount of keybinds JUST FOR OPTIONS.


uyjulian's website


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...The point is that the gui doesn't need to exist, because the config would handle changes. If you want to change properties ingame, why not use a console command instead (ie mod_changeProp <propID> <propValue>) or a command for each property depending on which is more applicable.


And FYI, you COULD make a gui from a config file. It'd be kinda dumb to do so (and the graphics would be fugly unless you use a preexisting one), but it's possible.

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...The point is that the gui doesn't need to exist, because the config would handle changes. If you want to change properties ingame, why not use a console command instead (ie mod_changeProp <propID> <propValue>) or a command for each property depending on which is more applicable.


And FYI, you COULD make a gui from a config file. It'd be kinda dumb to do so (and the graphics would be fugly unless you use a preexisting one), but it's possible.

You know that there are a lot of mods out there that clutter the options menu or keybind just for option?





What's My Light Level

World Downloader



Basically my idea is to move all mod options to one central hub, so you don't have to fiddle around with keybinds or click on the exact right pixel.




uyjulian's website


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I get that, but my post explained why the guis wouldn't even be needed if the modders used console commands.


It's up to preference of the modder though. Guis are more user-friendly but at the cost of the binding and on-screen buttons.


But how would you put sliders/enums in console commands?




uyjulian's website


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