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[1.4.7] [SSP/SMP] [IC2 1.112] IndustrialCraft 2 Combo Armors v1.10

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IndustrialCraft 2 Combo Armors v1.10

IndustrialCraft 2 Combo Armors, or IC2CA, is an addon for the IndustrialCraft 2 mod for Minecraft. Remember all those times you wanted to use your Electric Jetpack (because who doesn't love to fly) but your Mining Laser was out of energy? Or maybe you wanted to recharge your Nano Saber and have some reasonable protection from a NanoSuit Chestplate at the same time? Well, as you may have guessed from my corny intro and the title, this mod adds many different items that allow you to do just that. You can combine all of the electrical armors from IC2 to create a wide variety of different armors, from the Solar QuantumSuit Helmet to the LapiJetpack to the Ultimate QuantumSuit Bodyarmor.


Also, currently in development is a cool upgrade system that will allow you to make your cool armors even cooler. From something as simple as a Solar Production module that will make a Solar Helmet more efficient, to something as cool as the Cloaking Module that allows you to turn invisible, we have a long list of upgrades.


Lastly, we added a Nano Bow to match the Nano Saber. Even though it doesn't fit with the whole combo armors thing, we felt it was necessary :).





UnixRano: Project Head, Lead Coder, Artist, Design

MasterMan1010: Lead Artist, Design, Beta Tester

Ishaan1: Lead Wiki Design, Beta Tester, Test Server Owner

Kyogredude: Coder, Design, Beta Tester


Download v1.10 Universal - Requires Minecraft Forge and IC2

Download via IC2 Forums as per IC2 addon rules:


This is our first release! We have tested it extensively on the server Ishaan1 runs for us, but I'm there's a few bugs we never noticed . If you notice any, post them below! If you get an error, please include the error log that FML will generate in you're .minecraft folder. If it's one of those bugs where something just isn't working as intended, please leave a detailed description and an image if you feel it's neccesary.


The official IC2CA Wiki


The wiki is as new as our mod, so feel free to edit any pages that are lacking information.


More Information



The recipes in this mod are modular, so it is not really necessary to list them all. Instead, I will give a short explanation about how you would go about crafting one item and explain how the mechanics work so you can use that knowledge to craft everything else.


The first step to making any of the combo armors, as of this version (will be changed in future for balancing), is creating an ExoSuit. ExoSuits are versions of the normal IC2 armors with Upgrade Modules installed in them. In order to craft an ExoSuit, you must first make a number of the Upgrade Modules:



The number you need to make is dependent on which piece of armor you are upgrading. For this example, we'll be making an Ultimate QuantumSuit Bodyarmor, and since chestplates traditionally need 8 of the material they are made from, we will need 8 upgrade modules.


Once we've gotten them, we can proceed in a number of ways. In order to make an Ultimate QuantumSuit Bodyarmor, we need 3 things- a Lappack, a Jetpack, and a QuantumSuit Bodyarmor. Only one of these needs the upgrade modules installed. For this example, I will install the modules into the Lappack. Also, we will begin by creating an Ultimate NanoSuit and then upgrade it at the end.



We now have an ExoLappack. From this point, you can simply proceed to install the other two pieces:



Alternatively, if you didn't want to make the NanoSuit Chestplate yet, you could start off with a LapiJetpack and add the NanoSuit later on.



The final step is to take our Ultimate NanoSuit Bodyarmor and upgrade it, using the normal QuantumSuit Bodyarmor recipe:



This finished product will have the power of all three of the items it started from; you can fly (only as well as a jetpack can, but there's an upgrade for that ;P), you can recharge your tools, and you will be protected from everything.


Now as I said, these recipes are modular. This means that if you are already rich enough to afford a QuantumSuit when you decide to make a Combo Armor, you can complete the steps leading up to the Ultimate NanoSuit, but with a QuantumSuit. A full list of recipes as well as all of the non-modular recipes (upgrades and nanobow) can be found on the wiki.







Solar Quantum Helm, Ultimate Quantum Body, Exo Quantum Pants, and Static Quantum Boots:



Nano Quantum Helm, Ultimate Nano Body, Exo Nano Pants, and Static Nano Boots:



Cloaking Engine:



Discharge Module:



Nano Bow:



Screens of some recipes (everything except the armors, because those are modular and would be a pain to take screens of) are on the wiki. Armor recipes are described, most are shapeless but the ones that are not shapeless are just modified versions of the IC2 armor recipes. A lot of the items, like the Solar Production, Static Production, and Flight Turbine, don't make great pictures... but they're in the mod, and they work great. Trust me.


More info on everything is on the wiki.







Don't have any yet! If you make a video and want to see it on this page, just PM me a link!




1. Add a config with a few basic options (mainly IDs) for more compatibility

2. Some much needed balancing

3. More upgrades


I'm afraid I have to close this, as the IC2 Addon Rules indicate:

You're free to create any modfication of / extension for IC² for personal/private use. As well, you're free to publish any addon within this forum. However, if you intend to publish the addon anywhere else, you must obtain explicit permission by the IC²-Team first. Otherwise, your addon will be considered an infringement of IC's copyright and dealt with accordingly. I can't sue you, but all major forums in regard of IC and MC will deal with you accordingly, vastly reducing the amount of people ever noticing your mod.

Whilst IC² permit free creation of Addons, other mods probably don't. If your addon infringes with any other mod's copyright, it will be outright deleted and punished with a ban.

By posting an addon in this forum (most likely in the Addon section), you agree to all rules and all conditions listed here.

You're not allowed to publish any SourceCode of your mod, if it's containg parts of IC²'s source. An exception from this is the usage of public'd IC²-APIs. As their Source Code is provided to publicy by default, you may publish your SourceCode if it only contains code of said APIs or code written by you.

Unless given explicit permission, you're not allowed to gain any sort of financial revenue from creating and publishing your mod. This mainly applys to AdFly'ing your download links. Excluded are any sort of donations, since donations are not directly related to the creation of your mod.

If your mod is a solely basing of IC² (and thus not linked to another mod, f.e. BC), the IC²-Team claims the right to host the files of your mod on our website. (You may consider this a +, as IC.net got quite a good bandwith and is a secure storage for files, opposed to Mediafire and other public filehosters)

In case your addon is essential enough to become a part of IC² itself, the IC²-Team got the full right to use and implement your code, sprites and other necessary files. Of course you will be mentioned in the credits and (if the addon is extraordinary big/essential) eventually even get invited into the IC² team.

[Effective as of this post, you may publish your Addon, without necessary explicit permission on other places then industrial-craft.net.

However, you must still create/manage a regular and active thread in the Addon's section, providing enough information/details to be of use to users without the need to visit other sites.F.e. A thread along the lines of "I've created XY. More infos here: [your personal website]" is not permitted, for the convenience of the Addon users.On the other side, you're of course free to create a wiki or a website with more detailed informations to your mod, as long as the thread gives enough information so people can effectively download, install and play the Addon. You're free to host your files on foreign webspace and link them in the IC-Forum threads, though.



Thread locked, download link removed.

I'll reopen this thread if the OP sends me a PM indicating compliance with these rules. (namely, a link to the IC2 forum thread created)




Thread unlocked.

The OP has satisfied the requirements detailed in this post.

Read the EAQ before posting! OR ELSE!


This isn't building better software, its trying to grab a place in the commit list of a highly visible github project.




Don't PM me, I don't check this account unless I have to.

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