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hello all, i got a problem with forge, that it was not installed correctly.


the newest industrialcraft 2 v1.97 .jar warns me that forge was not installed correctly. however i tried to install ic2 1.95b again, but when i try to create a new world my client crashes.


here is the error log i got with Simple Minecraft Error Test




the following "mods" are installed in this order:



1. minecraft forge

2. 4096-Fix v4.2 with ID resolver support

3. GuiAPI 0.14.3

4. IDResolver 1.2.5 Update 1

5. Player API 1.5

6. CodeChickencore 0.5.3

7. NEI

8. AutoSwitchMod 2.0.1

9. Single Player Commands 3.2.2

10. Redpower 2pr5b2

11. Buildcraft 3.1.5

12. IC2 1.95b

13. Advanced Machines 4.1

14. For The Trees 0.3


i hope some1 can explain me, whats going wrong here


ps: dont judge me, im a german person and my native language is not english^^

Minecraft.net Username: Sailren


I have a very similar problem. I've installed forge 153 that has 4096 fix integrated (no need to download other 4096Fixes), but it still isn't compatible with ID Resolver, so I'm waiting for a newer version that supports it


im to lazy to set ids in the config files :D thats why i used id resolver ^^, but it seems that both dont want to work together, so i must wait until sharoze or someone other release a id resolver, that is compatible with the 4096 fix in forge


topic can be closed.


im using a newer forge version now, and will w8 until there is a new id resolver


look new error here: http://minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,574.0.html

Minecraft.net Username: Sailren

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