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[1.4.7] PastaMayo : a recipe manager !


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Hi everyone,



Here is a mod to manage both craft and smelt recipes from any mod.




- Remove recipes from configuration file

- Remove recipes from game command

- Add removed recipes from game command

- Needed on server-side, not on client-side (but recommended)



v1.1.3 : http://adf.ly/JI7tU

v1.1.2: http://adf.ly/JJ1X3

v1.1.1: http://adf.ly/IZpEo

v1.1.0: http://adf.ly/JI7tU

For other versions, please ask me.



- Have Forge installed

- Put the .zip file in the mod directory


Configuration "PastaMayo.cfg":

- ";" to separate items

- ":" to specify metadata

Ex.: "5;35:15;366" to remove plancks recipes, black wool recipe and the cooked chicken recipe.



/pastamayo <add|remove> <ID>[:meta] [tmp]

Ex.: "/pastamayo remove 35:15" to remove the black wool recipe in-game.

Ex.: "/pastamayo add 35:15" to add the removed recipe of the black wool.

Ex.: "/pastamayo remove 35" to remove the black wool recipe in-game temporary (until server reload).



This mod doesn't manage other recipes than "Shapeless", "Shaped" and "Smelt".

Ex.: macerator, crusher, extractor, ...


To come:

Configuration synchronization when joining game.

Recipe creation.



This mod is mainly server-side. However, having it client-sided avoid synchronous effects (shown results from removed recipes or unshown results from existant recipes).



I compile this version so I give it, but there can be synchronous bugs with client-sided version. The configuration file isn't reload by client when joining. It will not influence the server configuration. A removed recipe in server is impossible to craft/smelt, even if the client see it.



- With GregTech installed, some recipes may not respond correctly with pastamayo commands (withtout visual bugs but the recipe is always craftable/smeltable). This is due to GregTech configuration file "AdvencedRecipesConfig.cfg". Be sure that recipes that you want to be able to be modified have "false" parameters (true by default). Example : RefinedIron (parameter to be false : B:item.ingotIron)










v0.0.0 (04/02/2013):

- First release


v1.0.0 (05/02/2013):

- Add smelt recipe remover


v1.1.0 (16/02/2013):

- Add commands to remove recipes or to add removed recipes


v1.1.1 (17/02/2013):

- Bug fix: all metedatas items are removed instead 1 out of 2.


v1.1.2 (17/02/2013):

- Bug fix: not temporary in-game modification are saved in the configuration file.


v1.1.3 (03/03/2013):

- Add synchronization of in-game changes (for players connected in the same time).

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Hi floh22,


I've just tested turtles to answer you.

Yes, the PastaMayo mod (amazing name ;) ) removes recipes from turtle too.

I try to craft a book to a linking book (from MystCraft mod) and the recipe is well blocked.


All recipes based on the recipe system of minecraft can be removed, from anymod and any recipe (crafting tables, project tables, portative table, inventory table (2x2), etc...). Smelt recipes from classic furnace has removed too. I will work to remove recipes from other transformation systems (macerator, electrolizer, etc...), but I don't want to make this mod to be dependant on other mods.


Finally, if you want to remove a recipe that the mod doesn't remove (for now), don't hesitate to tell me the recipe you want to be removed.




PS : Forgive my very bad english.


PPS : A friend had tested this afternoon the right-clic crafting, because some other recipe removers have bug with the mass-crafting and give forbidden recipe results. The PastaMayo can produce some display bugs, but don't worry, recipes don't work and items disapear when someone try to use this display bug (items are only on the screen and server don't have them).

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Whats the difference between your plugin and the Recipe Remover plugin?




Which one would be better for a 'Feed the Beast' server?


How do I know if the plugin is working?


How do I do the whole range of item with same ID but different value? 13457:*? 13457:-? How?


Your mod isn't only server sided. Clients need it too in order to join the server.


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one more question. i sadly haven't been able to test the mod since both server and client need it, and i cant install it on my server because of that. i hope this gets fixed. anyway, does this remove mining lasers? i know most(all i know of) mods can't block em since they don't use regular crafting ways. being able to remove those would be the icing on my cake :D thanks for making this awesome mod.

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Sorry for the late.


Yes, the mining laser from IC2 can be remove. I've just tested it, it use a reguler recipe : "shapped recipe" ("shapped IC2 recipe" is a subclass of vanilla "shapped recipe").


Edit : the mining laser can be removed, but it appears that the mod can bug by removing some mining laser turtles... I'll fix it as soon as possible.

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Sorry I didn't see your post.


I don't know the differences between the PastaMayo and the recipe remover from ShadwDrgn.


I made this mod for a specific server on which the recipe remover from ShadowDrgn don't work for all recipes. Maybe the possible removed recipes are just different and I don't think the two mods are incompatibles... Just test it with your configuration and tell me if which remover removes the most recipes (PastaMayo tells in the console the recipes removed by itself).


You know when the mod work when you see in the console "The amazing Pasta Mayo has remove recipe : XXX". So you don't need to test it by trying to craft the removed recipes.


For now, you couldn't specify ranges, but it will come (I'll try to do it for tomorrow). In your example, "13457:*" is equivalent to "13457". To specify for instance the 5-th item of ID 13457, simply put 13457:5.


Finally, I never said that my mod is server side only. If you do a client side recipe remover, then your client won't be able to make a recipe, but the recipe will be viewable. By making it client side, the recipe is fully hided.


The only limitation of the mod that I know is the unpossibility to remove crafts from other than vanilla system (macerator, extractor for instance). But I can make extension for each mods that not have simple recipe system.

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well, i dont care if you can see the recipie. it would be amazing if you could make a server side only mod since i would then be able to use it on my mindcrack server. i think most people need a server side only mod since most people run a ftb/dw20/mindcrack server and the other recipie remover mod doesnt work for all recipies.

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OK, I'll derive the mod to make a server side only (because it's just some parameters to change), but I keep the main development on the client side too for some reasons (you'll see these reasons in few days/weeks, and you'll regret to have only a server-side ;) )

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a great mod; it has removed recipes that the others haven't. However, when I tried to remove the refined iron smelting recipe (Since I have railcraft steel option toggled and gregtech reactivates refined iron in machines), it stated that the recipe couldn't be found. ( I believe Gregtech may be affecting this change) It also seems to be rather sporadic, as I had gotten it to only work when I deleted config, then it didn't work after.

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Hi Invisimus,


As I see on the Internet, the railcraft steel is made by smelting iron in a blast furnace... and refined iron is smelted iron too...

If the refined iron isn't seen by the mod, I suppose that railcraft steel already erase the refined iron recipe (and so the recipe is already removed when pastamayo scan recipes).


Could you expand your example about sporadic configuration ?

- Did you use only configuration or in-game command too ?

- Do you have the log of pastamayo when it doesn't work ?

- Do you run it on a server ? on a client ? both ?

- On which version did you testing it ?


If it's a bug of pastamayo, I'm interessed to fix it.




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Hi Invisimus,


As I see on the Internet, the railcraft steel is made by smelting iron in a blast furnace... and refined iron is smelted iron too...

If the refined iron isn't seen by the mod, I suppose that railcraft steel already erase the refined iron recipe (and so the recipe is already removed when pastamayo scan recipes).


Could you expand your example about sporadic configuration ?

- Did you use only configuration or in-game command too ?

- Do you have the log of pastamayo when it doesn't work ?

- Do you run it on a server ? on a client ? both ?

- On which version did you testing it ?


If it's a bug of pastamayo, I'm interessed to fix it.




Alright so, in reference to the railcraft steel options, it doesn't erase the recipe for refined iron. It adds two options, adding steel as an equivalent in Ic2 machines, and another to remove any refined iron from machines.


I also believe that the infamous Gregtech may be an issue here as it tends to mess with some other mods.



Q: Could you expand your example about sporadic configuration ?

A: Well, I was able to remove the recipe of any item through commands, but refined iron. It stated that it wasn't found. It only seemed to work when I removed all id's from the list except 0; then it worked when I tried to use the remove command. However this only worked once each try, if I tried to add it again and remove... not found.


Also, sometimes it even said that the recipe was removed for smelting (I honestly only care about smelting with a normal furnace) and then it would proceed to smelt refined iron. The Pastamayo seems to have issues with ic2 items at least with my configuration.


Q: Did you use only configuration or in-game command too ?

A: I was testing with both commands the in-game command(mentioned earlier) would only work once or so. The configuration file would not work at all.


Q: Do you have the log of pastamayo when it doesn't work ?

A: http://pastebin.com/NXij9c4k


Q: Do you run it on a server ? on a client ? both ?

A: I tried the configuration via client, no luck. I tested the command and configuration via server, and most worked but refined iron smelting.


Q: On which version did you testing it ?

A: v1.1.3


I appreciate your effort on this resolution.

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Hi Invisimus,


As I see on the Internet, the railcraft steel is made by smelting iron in a blast furnace... and refined iron is smelted iron too...

If the refined iron isn't seen by the mod, I suppose that railcraft steel already erase the refined iron recipe (and so the recipe is already removed when pastamayo scan recipes).


Could you expand your example about sporadic configuration ?

- Did you use only configuration or in-game command too ?

- Do you have the log of pastamayo when it doesn't work ?

- Do you run it on a server ? on a client ? both ?

- On which version did you testing it ?


If it's a bug of pastamayo, I'm interessed to fix it.




Alright so, in reference to the railcraft steel options, it doesn't erase the recipe for refined iron. It adds two options, adding steel as an equivalent in Ic2 machines, and another to remove any refined iron from machines. Mainly my rationale is to remove refined iron as a whole.I also believe that the infamous Gregtech may be an issue here as it tends to mess with some other mods, since Gregtech ignores railcrafts iron setting.



Q: Could you expand your example about sporadic configuration ?

A: Well, I was able to remove the recipe of any item through commands, but refined iron. It stated that it wasn't found. It only seemed to work when I removed all id's from the list except 0; then it worked when I tried to use the remove command. However this only worked once each try, if I tried to add it again and remove... not found.


Also, sometimes it even said that the recipe was removed for smelting (I honestly only care about smelting with a normal furnace) and then it would proceed to smelt refined iron. The Pastamayo seems to have issues with ic2 items at least with my configuration.


Q: Did you use only configuration or in-game command too ?

A: I was testing with both commands the in-game command(mentioned earlier) would only work once or so. The configuration file would not work at all.


Q: Do you have the log of pastamayo when it doesn't work ?

A: http://pastebin.com/NXij9c4k


Q: Do you run it on a server ? on a client ? both ?

A: I tried the configuration via client, no luck. I tested the command and configuration via server, and most worked but refined iron smelting.


Q: On which version did you testing it ?

A: v1.1.3


I appreciate your effort on this resolution.


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Hi Invisimus,


Here are the steps that I try to understand your problem :


Used versions :

- Forge : 1.4.7-

- PastaMayo : 1.1.3

- IC2 : 1.112.170

- RailCraft : 1.4.6-

- GregTech : 2.80d


Step #1 : PastaMayo, IC2

No bug. The recipe is well removed and added.


Step #2 : PastaMayo, IC2, RailCraft (opt. false)

No bug. The recipe is well removed and added.


Step #3 : PastaMayo, IC2, RailCraft (opt. true)

No bug. The recipe is well removed and added.


Step #4 : PastaMayo, IC2, RailCraft (opt. true), GregTech

Bug appears. The console notes that recipes are added/removed, but furnace continues to smelting iron.


Step #5 : PastaMayo, IC2, GregTech

Bug appears. The console notes that recipes are added/removed, but furnace continues to smelting iron.


1st conclusion :

I think that our first diagnotic was false. RailCraft don't induce the bug.

GregTech is the origin of the problem.


By the console saying that PastaMayo adds and removes recipe, I conclude that PastaMayo correctly scan the item, and the capacity of readding this item is not corrupted. The unique reason that I see is that GregTech may use a different Class and overwrite the vanilla smelt class (which is the base of PastaMayo).


I continue the test :


Step #5 : PastaMayo, IC2, GregTech

Trying on vanilla recipes : no bug.


2nd conclusion :


The refined iron is the only (as I see) item that can be smelting by industrial blast furnace AND vanilla furnace.

After some research in configuration files, I found this parameter in RecipesAdvancedConfig.cfg :



This configuration file overwrites vanilla furnace recipe, and so overwrite pastamayo configuration.


Solution :

Put the parameter "B:item.ingotIron" to false in file "RecipesAdvancedConfig.cfg". Then PastaMayo will correctly works with refinediron recipe in vanilla (or similar) furnace.


PS : for the problem of "sporadic" effects on the start, do you see an error when starting server ? (or any suspicious data)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Awesome mod, works so well, really looking forward to seeing the next few updates.

On that note, I have a few requests:

  • The ability to change certain recipes, changing the ingredients and/or the end result. (I believe this is already planed)
  • The ability to create new recipes
  • The ability to remove only specific recipes. Eg. I want to stop my players turning gold into diamond with the Minium stone, but I don't want to stop them turning a diamond block into diamonds.
  • An update to MC 1.5.1, although I'm sure that's already in the works too



--==A publicaly open Feed the Beast server located in Australia==--

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  • 3 weeks later...



First I'd like to say this is a great mod/plugin that's helped out a lot on the server my friend and I are running but we've found a glitch to bypass -  using the Fabricator, it can build whatever item even if it's banned with this... This leads me to believe that the Auto Crafting Table would also be able to do this... Kind of renders this mod useless...  Would love a fix!

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First I'd like to say this is a great mod/plugin that's helped out a lot on the server my friend and I are running but we've found a glitch to bypass -  using the Fabricator, it can build whatever item even if it's banned with this... This leads me to believe that the Auto Crafting Table would also be able to do this... Kind of renders this mod useless...  Would love a fix!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

First and foremost, apologize for double posting, but considering the time frame, it seemed nessesary.


Second, a direct appeal to Cau3T:

Any chance of getting access to the source for this mod so that at least we can continue its awesomeness?



--==A publicaly open Feed the Beast server located in Australia==--

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