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Help with Rendering please


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I am trying to do a very large mod, and am having trouble with the entity rendering. I am trying to make one entity that can be overridden. The damage aspect of this works perfectly. I am trying to have it render with a different icon for every different instance of it. For example, the projectile may be square when coming from a staff, but triangular when coming from a wand. I can't get it to work. When the staves/wands/bows shoot, a wooden ax flies to the left and sometimes stops in midair. The entity tracks fine and hits targets in front of me, but is invisible. Please help. Here is my code:


Render File

package alchemymouse.rotmg.weapons.common;

import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; 
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderSnowball;
import net.minecraft.potion.PotionHelper;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL12;

public class RenderRotmgMagic extends RenderSnowball
    public RenderRotmgMagic(int par1)

    private int itemIconIndex;

    public void doRender(Entity par1Entity, double par2, double par4, double par6, float par8, float par9)
    	super.doRender(par1Entity, par6, par6, par6, par9, par9);


Item File

package alchemymouse.rotmg.weapons.common;

import alchemymouse.rotmg.weapons.common.mod_rotmgWeapon;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class ItemRotmgMagic extends Item
//damage of the projectile(s)
public static int damage;

//render index
public static int index;

//how many projectiles the item shoots
public static int shots;

//determines whether or not the projectile is from the Wand of the Bulwark. If it is, it will act differently.
public static boolean isBulwark;

//determines whether or not the projectile is from the Staff of Extreme Prejudice. If it is, it will act differently.
public static boolean isEp;

    public ItemRotmgMagic(int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4)
        this.damage = par2;
        this.index = par3;
        this.shots = par4;
        this.maxStackSize = 1;

     * Called whenever this item is equipped and the right mouse button is pressed. Args: itemStack, world, entityPlayer
    public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer)
    	if(shots == 1)
    		par2World.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityRotmgMagic(par2World, par3EntityPlayer));
    	if(shots == 2)
    		par2World.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityRotmgMagic(par2World, par3EntityPlayer));
    		par2World.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityRotmgMagic(par2World, par3EntityPlayer));
    	if(shots == 3)
    		par2World.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityRotmgMagic(par2World, par3EntityPlayer));
    		par2World.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityRotmgMagic(par2World, par3EntityPlayer));
    		par2World.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityRotmgMagic(par2World, par3EntityPlayer));
    	if(shots == 0)
    		par2World.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityRotmgMagic(par2World, par3EntityPlayer));
    		isBulwark = true;
    	if(shots == 10)
    		par2World.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityRotmgMagic(par2World, par3EntityPlayer));
    		isEp = true;
    	return par1ItemStack;
    public String getTextureFile ()
        return RotmgWeaponCommonProxy.ITEMS_PNG;


Very cropped mod file(everything I cut out works perfectly fine:

package alchemymouse.rotmg.weapons.common;

public static final Item wand12 = new ItemRotmgMagic(20412, 20, 16, 1).setMaxStackSize(1).setIconIndex(17).setItemName("wand12");

public static final Item bulwark = new ItemRotmgMagic(20417, 50, 50, 0).setMaxStackSize(1).setIconIndex(51).setItemName("bulwark");

public static final Item staff12 = new ItemRotmgMagic(20512, 13, 52, 2).setMaxStackSize(1).setIconIndex(53).setItemName("staff12");

public static final Item ep = new ItemRotmgMagic(20515, 25, 82, 3).setMaxStackSize(1).setIconIndex(83).setItemName("anatis");

public static final Item bow1 = new ItemRotmgMagic(20601, 2, 106, 1).setMaxStackSize(1).setIconIndex(107).setItemName("bow1");

public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event)

	//rendering help
	int renderIndex;

	EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityRotmgMagic.class, "Rotmg Magic Projectile", 1, instance, 64, 10, true);
	RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityRotmgMagic.class, new RenderRotmgMagic(ItemRotmgMagic.index));

	ChestGenHooks dungeon = new ChestGenHooks(ChestGenHooks.DUNGEON_CHEST);
	ChestGenHooks starter = new ChestGenHooks(ChestGenHooks.BONUS_CHEST);

	starter.addItem(new WeightedRandomChestContent(new ItemStack(mod_rotmgWeapon.katana0), 1, 1, 90));
	dungeon.addItem(new WeightedRandomChestContent(new ItemStack(mod_rotmgWeapon.katana1), 1, 1, 50));



Thanks for reading all of this, I really don't want to have to make a new entity for every staff... Too many files/entitys to keep track of.

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The shots variable tells the game how many projectiles the item shoots. 2 for staves, 1 for wand, varies for bows. Two other items use 0 and 10, but I don't know if there is a problem with them yet. One of the parameters in the ItemRealmMagic constructor tells what item icon index to use when rendering the projectile.

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