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Server and Client creating two different TileEntities in one block

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Hi, i've created a new furnace in my forge mod and its simply a copy of the normal furnace, except it is a multiblock. so the problem is: when my new furnace block is placed in the world both client and server create a tileEntity for that block and place them at the specific location. now when opening the gui the  progress bars refer to one tileEntity which isn't updating while the burning process itself is done by an correctly working tileEntity. why are there 2 of them in one block?


you can force it to send an update of the TE.

worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);


(and no, normally it synchronizes TEs more frequently, not only on a chunk load.)

mnn.getNativeLang() != English

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diesieben07 is of course right, you should only force this if you have something important to update like furnace changes texture (~starts/stops wokring). definitely do not sync progress of cooking every tick. vanilla furnace is a great example of the GUI (it's not too hard to implement synchronization of integer variables of TE using same technique). it will only differ from your solution in furnace changin texture - you'll do it with TE's sync packet or by changing metadata, not by replacing a block like the vanilla funace does.

mnn.getNativeLang() != English

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ok i see. the method is named: detectAndSendChanges()

this was probably the problem: i hadn't this method in my container class. its the only one missing together with 3 private variables xD

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