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[1.10.2] prevent specified Player to craft some items?


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Hi, and heave a nice day!

I want to make a mod with many abilities. One part of it is to handle tasks or checkpoints to trigger "ages". So I want to block some crafting recipes until a pleyer reach the needed "level". Remove a recipe server-wide is easy but I don't know how to remove recipes only for players corectly.


I tried a very primitiv work-around but it has several problems:

public void onCraft(ItemCraftedEvent event) {
	if (event.crafting.getItem().getRegistryName().toString().contains("minecraft:wooden_sword")) {
		event.player.inventory.clearMatchingItems(Item.getByNameOrId("minecraft:wooden_sword"), -1, 1, null);

public void pickUp(EntityItemPickupEvent event) {
	if (event.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer) {
		if (event.getItem().getEntityItem().getItem().getRegistryName().toString().contains("minecraft:wooden_sword")) {

The first part is removing the output from the players inventory. But the player is loosing the ingridients.
The second part destroying the items on pickup, because the player can pres "Q" in the workbench to drop the item.


Is it posible to prevent the player from taking the result out of the workbench? The ingridients should stay in the bench. I tried to cancel the event, but then the client crashes.  Also is there a event for "event.getEntityPlayer().inventory.inventoryChanged"? I want to drop the item when a player gets a forbidden item.



Thank you very much for your help.

Edited by MSandro
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First of all, to get the wooden sword item, see the Items class (net.minecraft.init.Items). It contains a list of all the items in vanilla. To test if an item is a wooden sword:

if (item == Items.WOODEN_SWORD)

To clear the player's inventory of wooden swords:

player.inventory.clearMatchingItems(Items.WOODEN_SWORD, -1, 1, null);


As for player-sensitive recipes, consider making a custom IRecipe implementation. Diesieben07 made a tutorial on how to do this.

catch(Exception e)




Yay, Pokémon exception handling, gotta catch 'em all (and then do nothing with 'em).

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Thank you very much.

Yes I know about the item-comparison but later I want to use a config file to check the items, so I must use strings because it is the simpliest way to interact with the config.

I will take a look to your tutorial, later.

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Read values from the configuration, get the Item instances from those values. Store your own references to those instances and use those instead. Calling Item.getByNameOrId is slow. 

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2 minutes ago, Draco18s said:

Read values from the configuration, get the Item instances from those values. Store your own references to those instances and use those instead. Calling Item.getByNameOrId is slow. 

Thanks for the tipp.

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