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Load Obj Models


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For entities you need your own obj model loader/renderer.

For items/blocks you need to put your model and material(.obj and .mtl files) in an appropriate models subfolder in your assets, point to that model through a blockstates file for example(if you are using forge's blockstates for items) and you are done. There are a few thing you need to know:

1. When specifying an obj model to be used you must include the obj extension in the path too.

2. You must call OBJLoader.INSTANCE.addDomain(modid) with your modid as a parameter before the models are loaded.

Here(and the resources folder) is an example provided by forge itself.

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Pretty much, although I've never done it through the item.json model and I do not know if it is possible. You can still have obj models for items as forge can use blockstates files to define item models.

And you should probably call it not in your preinit but in your ModelRegistryEvent or at least in your client proxy. but yeah, that's pretty much it.

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Blockstates for items: blockstates files, model loading (yep, it is the same stuff I've already linked as that code uses blockstates for items(to be fair it uses them for itemblocks but there is no difference whatsoever for other items too)). The idea is - when you are loading a model for an item forge will first look in the models/item folder to find the model file, and if it can't find any it will look in your blockstates folder for the blockstates file. The syntax is absolutely the same and everything functions as you would expect it to, just for items instead of blocks.


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Ok i have tried to implement this to no avail.  Any idea what im doing wrong?




    "forge_marker": 1,
    "defaults": {
        "textures": {
            "#Material": "progressiveg:ak47_oak" //the identifier must be a name of a material defined by the "model" obj's .mtl file
        "model": "progressiveg:ak47_0.obj"
    "variants": {
        "normal": [{
            "textures": {
                "#Material": "progressiveg:ak47_oak" //the identifier must be a name of a material defined by the "model" obj's .mtl file
        "oak_1": [{
            "textures": {
                "#Material": "progressiveg:ak47_oak" //the identifier must be a name of a material defined by the "model" obj's .mtl file

    "forge_marker": 1,
    "defaults": {
        "textures": {
			"#Material": "progressiveg:ak47_oak" //the identifier must be a name of a material defined by the "model" obj's .mtl file
        "model": "progressiveg:ak47_0.obj"
    "variants": {
        "normal": [{
			"textures": {
				"#Material": "progressiveg:ak47_oak" //the identifier must be a name of a material defined by the "model" obj's .mtl file
        "oak_1": [{
            "textures": {
				"#Material": "progressiveg:ak47_oak" //the identifier must be a name of a material defined by the "model" obj's .mtl file



    public static void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event)
        Item[] woodItems = {
        for (Item item : woodItems) {
        	ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), "normal"));
        	ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, 1, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), "oak_1"));



And i attached a picture of my asset folders and what it looks like in game.




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Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: OBJLoader.Parser: Exception parsing line #232: `f 66/1/1 67/2/1 65/3/1`

Your model's face definition is invalid. 

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

    at net.minecraftforge.client.model.obj.OBJModel$Material.access$100(OBJModel.java:595) ~[OBJModel$Material.class:?]

Looks like something went wrong with the material, it might be null. Post your obj file somewhere so I can check if it is correct.

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1 minute ago, drok0920 said:

also does it matter if faces are triangulated or not?

I am not sure, I'll try it out later.


L #230 : usemtl None

You need to provide an actual material for the object in your model editor.

Also should there not be an object definition(o name) at the beggining of the file right after the material file definition?  


It seems that you've made your model incorrectly in your model editor.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

@drok0920 I know this post was made a long time ago but I am also having similar errors to yours in this post...can you please tell me what did you change in your files to get from the black and purple cube in the middle of the screen to the 3d model you wanted??

That might help me out. I've gone through this post 4 times and the links provided in it and still cant fix that issue.


If you can help me...Thank you! :)

Edited by Thegametutor101
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