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Crashed by texture back?

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Someone just told me their game crashed due to my texture pack. I'm not a modder, coder, programmer, etc. and barely even understand the basic Java I have to use in my texture pack. So, I have no idea what the crash report they sent me says. I've attached it if anyone here could give me any help. I'd really appreciate it!


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This has nothing to do with the texture pack, this is caused by using an outdated version of OptiFine. This particular issue was fixed in OptiFine 1.11.2_HD_U_B7 (field_78286_d is the obfuscated name of FontRender.charWidth)


Because OptiFine is a coremod that messes with a lot of Minecraft's internals, it only supports specific versions of Forge. The changelog for each version of OptiFine says which Forge version it's compatible with.


Side note: There's no Java involved in texture packs. You may be thinking of JSON, the format used by blockstates files, models, etc.

Edited by Choonster

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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