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[Solved] [1.10.2] In world rendering doesn't work the way it should


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I am rendering a yellow or red marker & footsteps in the RenderWorldLastEvent.

This is the part of the code in the event for the marker that works flawlessly:

	EnumSide side = TeamStatusController.getPlayersSide(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer);
        if ((side != null || IGNORE_SIDE) && !markers.isEmpty())
            Tessellator tess = Tessellator.getInstance();
            VertexBuffer buffer = tess.getBuffer();

                OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, 240, 240);

                for (Position pos : markers.keySet())
                    if (markers.get(pos).getSide() != side && !IGNORE_SIDE)
                    boolean cam = markers.get(pos).isCameraMark();

                    TextureAtlasSprite sprite = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite("rssmc:gui/overlay/" + (cam ? "camera" : "player") + "_marker");

                    GlStateManager.translate(getX(pos.getX(), event.getPartialTicks()), getY(pos.getY(), event.getPartialTicks()), getZ(pos.getZ(), event.getPartialTicks()));
                    GlStateManager.rotate(player().getRotationYawHead(), 0, -1, 0);
                    GlStateManager.rotate(player().rotationPitch, 1, 0, 0);
                    GlStateManager.scale(.5, .5, .5);

                    buffer.begin(GL11.GL_QUADS, TESRThermiteCharge.POSITION_TEX_LMAP);
                    buffer.pos( .5, 1, 0).tex(sprite.getInterpolatedU(16), sprite.getInterpolatedV(0)).lightmap(240, 240).endVertex();
                    buffer.pos(-.5, 1, 0).tex(sprite.getInterpolatedU(0), sprite.getInterpolatedV(0)).lightmap(240, 240).endVertex();
                    buffer.pos(-.5, 0, 0).tex(sprite.getInterpolatedU(0), sprite.getInterpolatedV(16)).lightmap(240, 240).endVertex();
                    buffer.pos( .5, 0, 0).tex(sprite.getInterpolatedU(16), sprite.getInterpolatedV(16)).lightmap(240, 240).endVertex();

                    buffer.pos( .5, 0, 0).tex(sprite.getInterpolatedU(16), sprite.getInterpolatedV(16)).lightmap(240, 240).endVertex();
                    buffer.pos(-.5, 0, 0).tex(sprite.getInterpolatedU(0), sprite.getInterpolatedV(16)).lightmap(240, 240).endVertex();
                    buffer.pos(-.5, 1, 0).tex(sprite.getInterpolatedU(0), sprite.getInterpolatedV(0)).lightmap(240, 240).endVertex();
                    buffer.pos( .5, 1, 0).tex(sprite.getInterpolatedU(16), sprite.getInterpolatedV(0)).lightmap(240, 240).endVertex();

                GlStateManager.translate(0, 0, 0);

The getX(), getY() and getZ() methods are interpolating the position to render the marker at. The marker stays at the exact position it is supposed to be at.

The Position class is like BlockPos but with doubles.


This is the code that should render the footsteps:

	HashMap<BlockPos, FootStep> footSteps = FootStepHandler.getFootSteps();
        if ((isJackalAndUsingGadget() || IGNORE_SIDE) && !footSteps.isEmpty())
            Tessellator tess = Tessellator.getInstance();
            VertexBuffer buffer = tess.getBuffer();

                OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, 240, 240);

                for (BlockPos pos : footSteps.keySet())
                    FootStep step = footSteps.get(pos);

                    TextureAtlasSprite sprite = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite("rssmc:gui/overlay/footstep_" + step.isRight());

                    GlStateManager.translate(getX(pos.getX(), event.getPartialTicks()), getY(pos.getY(), event.getPartialTicks()), getZ(pos.getZ(), event.getPartialTicks()));
                    GlStateManager.rotate(step.getRotation(), 0, -1, 0);

                    int[] color = new int[]{Color.RED.getRed(), Color.RED.getGreen(), Color.RED.getBlue(), Color.RED.getAlpha()}; //step.getColor();

                    buffer.begin(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX_LMAP_COLOR);
                    buffer.pos(1, .1, 0).tex(sprite.getInterpolatedU(16), sprite.getInterpolatedV( 0)).lightmap(240, 240).color(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]).endVertex();
                    buffer.pos(0, .1, 0).tex(sprite.getInterpolatedU( 0), sprite.getInterpolatedV( 0)).lightmap(240, 240).color(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]).endVertex();
                    buffer.pos(0, .1, 1).tex(sprite.getInterpolatedU( 0), sprite.getInterpolatedV(16)).lightmap(240, 240).color(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]).endVertex();
                    buffer.pos(1, .1, 1).tex(sprite.getInterpolatedU(16), sprite.getInterpolatedV(16)).lightmap(240, 240).color(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]).endVertex();


The problem is that a few of the footsteps stay at the position they are supposed to be at no matter where and how I move but most of them move through the air whenever I move. Their x and z movement depends on my movement and their rotation and is always pointed away from me and the y movement is always the inverse of my movement but at a different speed. The player's rotation yaw and pitch have no influence on the movement and rotation of the flying footsteps.


This is what this looks like:


The texture on the left on the iron blocks is one of the few footsteps that render correct and the ones on the right are those flying all over the place.


EDIT: After restarting the game which meant resetting the steps (which is intended), I do not get any steps in the right place at all, but there is still one that stays at a fixed position on the x and z axis but moves on the y axis as I move.

Edited by XFactHD
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