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[1.12] Server not update nbt


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Hello, i send packet to server(update nbt for ItemBook) and server not update nbt. What's the problem?

public final class SPacketUpdateNBT extends AbstractPacket<SPacketUpdateNBT>
    private static NBTTagCompound tagCompound;
    private static ItemStack stack;

    public SPacketUpdateNBT(){}
    public SPacketUpdateNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound, ItemStack stack)
        this.tagCompound = tagCompound;
        this.stack = stack;

    public void handleClientSide(EntityPlayer player)


    public void handleServerSide(EntityPlayer player)

    public void fromBytes(ByteBuf byteBuf)
        this.tagCompound = ByteBufUtils.readTag(byteBuf);
        this.stack = ByteBufUtils.readItemStack(byteBuf);

    public void toBytes(ByteBuf byteBuf)
        ByteBufUtils.writeTag(byteBuf, this.tagCompound);
        ByteBufUtils.writeItemStack(byteBuf, this.stack);

In GuiBook:

    protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button) throws IOException
        boolean updateLines = false;
        if (button.enabled)
            switch (button.id)
                case BUTTON_DONE_ID:


private void sendBookToServer() throws IOException
        if (this.bookIsModified && this.bookPages != null)
            while (this.bookPages.tagCount() > 1)
                String s = this.bookPages.getStringTagAt(this.bookPages.tagCount() - 1);

                if (!s.isEmpty())

                this.bookPages.removeTag(this.bookPages.tagCount() - 1);

            if (this.bookObj.hasTagCompound())
                NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = this.bookObj.getTagCompound();
                nbttagcompound.setTag("pages", this.bookPages);
                this.bookObj.setTagInfo("pages", this.bookPages);

            String title = this.bookTitle;

            if (title.equals(TITLE_PLACEHOLDER)) title = "";

            this.bookObj.setTagInfo("title", new NBTTagString(title));

            //PacketBuffer packetbuffer = new PacketBuffer(Unpooled.buffer());

            //this.mc.getConnection().sendPacket(new CPacketCustomPayload("MC|BEdit", packetbuffer));

            NetworkHandler.NETWORK.sendToServer(new SPacketUpdateNBT(this.bookObj.getTagCompound(), this.bookObj));


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In your packet, you're reading an ItemStack and a compound tag from the byte buffer and then setting the compound tag as the ItemStack's compound tag; but then you do absolutely nothing with the ItemStack and it's garbage collected some time after the packet is received.


You need to make the changes to the ItemStack in the player's inventory, but make sure you check that the NBT data and the ItemStack's Item are valid to prevent malicious clients arbitrarily modifying item NBT. Look at the "MC|BEdit" and "MC|BSign" sections of NetHandlerPlayServer#processCustomPayload for examples of how to validate the data and modify the ItemStack in the player's inventory.


There's no reason to send the compound tag separately from the ItemStackByteBufUtils.writeItemStack includes the ItemStack's compound tag.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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1 hour ago, Choonster said:

In your packet, you're reading an ItemStack and a compound tag from the byte buffer and then setting the compound tag as the ItemStack's compound tag; but then you do absolutely nothing with the ItemStack and it's garbage collected some time after the packet is received.


You need to make the changes to the ItemStack in the player's inventory, but make sure you check that the NBT data and the ItemStack's Item are valid to prevent malicious clients arbitrarily modifying item NBT. Look at the "MC|BEdit" and "MC|BSign" sections of NetHandlerPlayServer#processCustomPayload for examples of how to validate the data and modify the ItemStack in the player's inventory.


There's no reason to send the compound tag separately from the ItemStackByteBufUtils.writeItemStack includes the ItemStack's compound tag.

I use in my GuiBook this code:

            PacketBuffer packetbuffer = new PacketBuffer(Unpooled.buffer());

            this.mc.getConnection().sendPacket(new CPacketCustomPayload("MC|BEdit", packetbuffer));

But it also didn't work although this code is in vanilla gui book. What could be the problem?

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28 minutes ago, WildHeart said:

But it also didn't work although this code is in vanilla gui book. What could be the problem?


The handler for the vanilla book edit/sign packets specifically checks if the ItemStack's Item is Items.WRITABLE_BOOK, so you can't use them for your own item. You should do the same thing in your packet handlers but check for your own Item instead of the vanilla one.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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6 minutes ago, Choonster said:


The handler for the vanilla book edit/sign packets specifically checks if the ItemStack's Item is Items.WRITABLE_BOOK, so you can't use them for your own item. You should do the same thing in your packet handlers but check for your own Item instead of the vanilla one.

In principle it is possible, but there is one thing. In Minecraft pack CPacketCustomPayload spike, and at the moment I'm looking for a solution that is better. Speaking of bags, did you know that in forge batch system is bad?

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4 minutes ago, WildHeart said:

In principle it is possible, but there is one thing. In Minecraft pack CPacketCustomPayload spike, and at the moment I'm looking for a solution that is better.


What do you mean by "In Minecraft pack CPacketCustomPayload spike"?



4 minutes ago, WildHeart said:

Speaking of bags, did you know that in forge batch system is bad?


What do you mean by "forge batch system"? Why is it bad?

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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4 minutes ago, Choonster said:


What do you mean by "In Minecraft pack CPacketCustomPayload spike"?




What do you mean by "forge batch system"? Why is it bad?

Forge uses packets netty, these packages are very laggs. You can wrap an ordinary batch system in Minecraft will be much better. And forge, why not wrapped model(obj) to display list? About the vanilla package, it's bad, you can do much better.

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    private static ItemStack stack;

    public SPacketUpdateNBT(){}
    public SPacketUpdateNBT(ItemStack stack)
        this.stack = stack;

    public void handleClientSide(EntityPlayer player)


    public void handleServerSide(EntityPlayerMP player)
        try {
            ItemStack itemstack = this.stack;

            if (itemstack.isEmpty()) return;

            if (!ItemWritableBook.isNBTValid(itemstack.getTagCompound()))
                FMLLog.log.error("Invalid book tag!");

            ItemStack itemstack1 = player.getHeldItemMainhand();

            if (itemstack1.isEmpty()) return;

            if (itemstack.getItem() == ModItems.python_book && itemstack.getItem() == itemstack1.getItem())
                itemstack1.setTagInfo("pages", itemstack.getTagCompound().getTagList("pages", 8));
        catch (Exception exception6)

    public void fromBytes(ByteBuf byteBuf)
        this.stack = ByteBufUtils.readItemStack(byteBuf);

    public void toBytes(ByteBuf byteBuf)
        ByteBufUtils.writeItemStack(byteBuf, this.stack);


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