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[1.12.1] Let new material be used to repair tools in anvil

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Given a mod that adds a new type of wood, what's the best way to let its planks be used to repair wooden tools in an anvil? Looking at the code, I see it's calling getIsRepairable on the tool, which in turn calls OreDictionary.itemMatches with Blocks.PLANKS. (IMO, this is somewhat misleadingly named since it does a straight item/metadata comparison and not an ore dictionary comparison. If it did an ore dictionary comparison, this would be trivial.) The only solution I see is to subscribe to AnvilUpdateEvent, and then reimplement almost all of updateRepairOutput() in it. Is this what I have to do, or is there a better way to do this?


It does seem like they're using the wrong method in the Ore Dictionary. That method really shouldn't be public as it seems to just be a convenience method used by the dictionary.


Instead to actually access the dictionary they should use something related to the getOres type method, or the OreIngredient getMatchingStacks() method. I'm not that familiar with the ore dictionary use, but it does seem that the repairable methods are missing the proper use of the ore dictionary...

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/


Either put this in Support & Bug Reports, open an issue on Github, or create a pull request on Github.

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