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Help creating a mod.


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That would help. Add links to the relevant files in your comment.
Also remember to mark the relevant lines of your code in github first before copying the link.


Relevant files would contain the following:

Where are you trying to render your model? (Block / Entity etc.)

What did you do so far?

Your model file. (In order to determine if it is a valid .obj file)

Where are you registering your renderers etc.

What is your model supposed to look like. (A screenshot of your modeling software would be greatly appreciated)

PM's regarding modding questions should belong in the Modder Support sub-forum and won't be answered.

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27 minutes ago, Busti said:

That would help. Add links to the relevant files in your comment.
Also remember to mark the relevant lines of your code in github first before copying the link.


Relevant files would contain the following:

Where are you trying to render your model? (Block / Entity etc.)

What did you do so far?

Your model file. (In order to determine if it is a valid .obj file)

Where are you registering your renderers etc.

What is your model supposed to look like. (A screenshot of your modeling software would be greatly appreciated)

I want to render it out as an entity, I got the source code for more player models because I want to morph into the models I implemented, I haven't registered the models yet.



Screenshot (31).png

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29 minutes ago, Busti said:

That would help. Add links to the relevant files in your comment.
Also remember to mark the relevant lines of your code in github first before copying the link.


Relevant files would contain the following:

Where are you trying to render your model? (Block / Entity etc.)

What did you do so far?

Your model file. (In order to determine if it is a valid .obj file)

Where are you registering your renderers etc.

What is your model supposed to look like. (A screenshot of your modeling software would be greatly appreciated)

I'll upload the mod into github now just one sec


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38 minutes ago, Busti said:

That would help. Add links to the relevant files in your comment.
Also remember to mark the relevant lines of your code in github first before copying the link.


Relevant files would contain the following:

Where are you trying to render your model? (Block / Entity etc.)

What did you do so far?

Your model file. (In order to determine if it is a valid .obj file)

Where are you registering your renderers etc.

What is your model supposed to look like. (A screenshot of your modeling software would be greatly appreciated)

I couldn't upload it into GitHub so I uploaded to dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=more+player+models.rar

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Sorry I do not have a dropbox accoount. Also that link is not valid.

It would probably be best if you just posted your code here. Just remember to use the code button in the editor to properly format your text.

Minecraftforge does supply its own .obj loader, so that would be a good thing to look into.

You also have to supply and register your own net.minecraft.renderer.entity.Render
The Render's doRender() method is where you want to render your .obj model.

You'll find the .obj model loader and related classes in net.minecraftforge.client.model.obj and net.minecraftforge.client.model

PM's regarding modding questions should belong in the Modder Support sub-forum and won't be answered.

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8 minutes ago, Busti said:

Sorry I do not have a dropbox accoount. Also that link is not valid.

It would probably be best if you just posted your code here. Just remember to use the code button in the editor to properly format your text.

Minecraftforge does supply its own .obj loader, so that would be a good thing to look into.

You also have to supply and register your own net.minecraft.renderer.entity.Render
The Render's doRender() method is where you want to render your .obj model.

You'll find the .obj model loader and related classes in net.minecraftforge.client.model.obj and net.minecraftforge.client.model

Wait nvm it's uploading to GitHub I'll post the link when it is done uploading.

Edited by Blitex
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12 minutes ago, Busti said:

Sorry I do not have a dropbox accoount. Also that link is not valid.

It would probably be best if you just posted your code here. Just remember to use the code button in the editor to properly format your text.

Minecraftforge does supply its own .obj loader, so that would be a good thing to look into.

You also have to supply and register your own net.minecraft.renderer.entity.Render
The Render's doRender() method is where you want to render your .obj model.

You'll find the .obj model loader and related classes in net.minecraftforge.client.model.obj and net.minecraftforge.client.model

I got it here it is 


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Why did you remove the .gitignore? And all the important gradle scripts and files? (Those things are not just there to add bloat to your working directory you know)

Also you probably want to read or watch some tutorials on git. (Trust me, I once was at that point too)
You should create your own packages for your classes and get rid of putting your files into minecraft directories.

In case you are not sure how things are done there are a ton of open source mods on github that you can dig through to see how other modders do and structure certain things.

Choonsters TestMod3 for example: https://github.com/Choonster-Minecraft-Mods/TestMod3

Regarding your problem:
It would help a lot to know what entity you are trying to add a renderer to and where you put those classes.

PM's regarding modding questions should belong in the Modder Support sub-forum and won't be answered.

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