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[1.10.2+] Item for each entity


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Is it possible to loop through every registered entity and create, say an item for example "DNA (Pig)", "DNA (Cow)", etc.

If it is this would be very, very helpful.


Thanks for any help in advance.





P.S. I don't want any code I just want to know if it does exist and what to look for

Edited by Ruthless_bug13
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10 minutes ago, Abastro said:

I'd recommend to have one item to represent all DNAs, as existence of item shouldn't be variable.

Then you can use capabilities to store anf expose the DNA.

Hmm, I'll look into this. Thanks.


Also, anymore input is still greatly appreciated.

Edited by Ruthless_bug13
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First, you'll need an item with the DNA capability. I guess it should contain the id of the entity type, but it could vary per what you want.

Now I think you don't need DNA caps on entity side. Just iterate through the entity registry to check existing entity types, and do what you want with it. Just don't register items based on entity types. 

And again, actual implementation varies per what you need - like, how would you use the DNA item? Should it be extracted from the entity? Does dna information vary per each entity-in this case you need entity caps-?

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