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[SOLVED] Brewing Stand Recipe


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Im trying to create a custom brewing stand recipe (Yes I know this has been asked a lot of times so far), but im trying to use it to create a potion with a CUSTOM potion effect. The calculation Damage Value of Potion -> List of Potion Effects gets Handeled in the PotionHelper class.


 public static List getPotionEffects(int par0, boolean par1){
        ArrayList var2 = null;
        Potion[] var3 = Potion.potionTypes;
        int var4 = var3.length;

        for (int var5 = 0; var5 < var4; ++var5)
            Potion var6 = var3[var5];

            if (var6 != null && (!var6.isUsable() || par1))
                String var7 = (String)potionRequirements.get(Integer.valueOf(var6.getId()));

                if (var7 != null)
                { (.... more stuff)


It gets a String of the HashMap potionRequirements. Although my potion effect would be called, it doesnt have a entry in potionRequirements, so (var7 != null) would return false and it wouldnt work. I cant add a value to potionRequirements because its set to private. Is there a way around this wthout editing base files?


This is the only way i found, Brewing Stands can only output a potion (with a damage value wich it gets from the potion ingredient).

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I'd use reflection to access the HashMap and insert my values. Something similar to this maybe:

Field f = PotionHelper.class.getDeclaredField("potionRequirements");
HashMap myPotionRequirements = (HashMap) f.get(null);
//add stuff to myPotionRequirements variable

mnn.getNativeLang() != English

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Ive been racking my brain trying to figure out adding new potions myself.  Im not a very experienced coder, so if someone could help me understand the code for this that would be great.  From what I see this is the general code here:


potionRequirements.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.regeneration.getId()), "0 & !1 & !2 & !3 & 0+6");
        sugarEffect = "-0+1-2-3&4-4+13";


Just not exactly sure what any of this is actually saying :) I'm looking to add a custom item that uses the Potion.jump effect.  Also not sure how exactly to utilize reflection, where would that reflection code be placed, and could someone explain how that code actually works?  Much appreciated.

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Also not sure how exactly to utilize reflection, where would that reflection code be placed, and could someone explain how that code actually works?  Much appreciated.

code posted by me just changes access modifier of the field from private to public, you can read more about reflection there - http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/reflect/. when the field is accessible you can add your recipes into it (it's similar to adding any other recipe in the load phase). if you don't have much experience with java i would not recommend using reflection. there are some things you need to take care of (like that the minecraft code will be obfuscated, so in that enviroment you'd have to use different name of the field, or utilize the new runtime deobfuscation).

mnn.getNativeLang() != English

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I got the jump potion enabled through reflection, but can you explain the thing about the fields?


For those interested, I added this code to my main mod file in FMLInitialization

Item.itemsList[item.potion.itemID] = null;
	try {
		potion = (ItemPotion)(new NewItemPotion(117)).setIconCoord(13, .setItemName("potion");
	} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
		// TODO Auto-generated catch block
	} catch (SecurityException e) {
		// TODO Auto-generated catch block
	} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
		// TODO Auto-generated catch block
	} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
		// TODO Auto-generated catch block



Then in the NewItemPotion


public class NewItemPotion extends ItemPotion

    public NewItemPotion(int par1) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
        Class PHelper = PotionHelper.class;
        Field f = PHelper.getDeclaredField("potionRequirements");
          HashMap myPotionRequirements = (HashMap) f.get(null);
          myPotionRequirements.put(Integer.valueOf(Potion.jump.getId()), "0 & 1 & !2 & 3 & 0+6");


What do I have to worry about when the code is obfuscated?

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the string "potionRequirements" is a name of the static field in PotionHelper, when running in obfuscated mc it won't be the same.


the runtime deobfuscation is pretty new feature in FML for 1.5 (I haven't even try it yet), this topic might help you:


mnn.getNativeLang() != English

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