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[1.12.2] Creating a coremod which will download native dependencies at runtime


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what? if you mean to just embed things into my mod then i can't:
The lib that i use needs natives
i dont want to include all of them in a single jar bcuz that would weight 150mbs
so i made 3 jars for each os separate
when i sent them to curse the windows one got rejected bcuz it contains a .exe (that comes from the windows native jar (the exe is a 7zip binary and is used to unpack the native that are inside of a 7z file thats inside of the jar))
so i need to download the natives at runtime and insert them into the FML class path (like they were just regular mods)

Edited by lukas2005
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(the exe is a 7zip binary and is used to unpack the native that are inside of a 7z file thats inside of the jar))

A Mod that Download a .exe ..... it is like a .exe what download a virus... Sry... but why da hell you want do in a Java Game with Java Modding Enviroment a .exe ?


  1. Not all using Windows. A .exe dont have any affect at Linux and Mac
  2. A Mod that Download a .exe become a low trust factor.
  3. A .exe is not necessary and nonsensical

I dont know what you want do. But this is my Important Tip for you

Edited by DerWaldfried
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