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[SOLVED] GuiInitEvent not firing


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Could anyone tell me why this event is not firing?

Im wanting to modify and add a button to a gui, which i know how to do in 1.7.10 but 1.12.2 the method i use doesnt seem to work :(


ive tried using both the Mod.EventBusSubscriber annotation and manually registering in mods preInit


the System.out never prints

Using System.out as a test, was using my logger but that wasnt printing so changed to System.out to see if my logger wasnt working but that wasnt the case


@Mod.EventHandler public final void onFMLPreInitializationEvent(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)
    logger = event.getModLog();

    GuiEventHandler eventHandler = new GuiEventHandler();




Edited by WARDOGSK93
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14 minutes ago, jabelar said:

Depending on how you do the event subscribing, the method can need to be static. Draco18s knows the details and can explain better. But basically trying making your method static.


27 minutes ago, WARDOGSK93 said:

ive tried using both the Mod.EventBusSubscriber annotation and manually registering in mods preInit


@Mod.EventHandler public final void onFMLPreInitializationEvent(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)
    logger = event.getModLog();

    GuiEventHandler eventHandler = new GuiEventHandler();





EDIT: Making the method static didnt work either, for both methods of registering event handler

Edited by WARDOGSK93
making method static didnt work
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