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Hi Modders,

i got a request for minecraft 1.7.10 that i think need the use of ASM that i'm not so advanced to know how work.


i need the following:


in the class net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeDecorator.class i want to move the method on line 336:


doGen = TerrainGen.decorate(currentWorld, randomGenerator, chunk_X, chunk_Z, LAKE);
if (doGen && this.generateLakes)
for (j = 0; j < 50; ++j)
k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
l = this.randomGenerator.nextInt(this.randomGenerator.nextInt(248) + 8);
i1 = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
(new WorldGenLiquids(Blocks.flowing_water)).generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, l, i1);
for (j = 0; j < 20; ++j)
k = this.chunk_X + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
l = this.randomGenerator.nextInt(this.randomGenerator.nextInt(this.randomGenerator.nextInt(240) + 8) + 8);
i1 = this.chunk_Z + this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16) + 8;
(new WorldGenLiquids(Blocks.flowing_lava)).generate(this.currentWorld, this.randomGenerator, k, l, i1);


between line 189 and 190 so it can execute before the tree generation.


and in the class net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenTrees at line 120 and 133 adding the following correction marked in red:


if (Math.abs(j2) != l1 || Math.abs(l2) != l1 || p_76484_2_.nextInt(2) != 0 && i3 != 0)
Block block1 = p_76484_1_.getBlock(i2, k1, k2);
if (block1.isAir(p_76484_1_, i2, k1, k2) || block1.isLeaves(p_76484_1_, i2, k1, k2) || block1.getMaterial() == Material.vine)
this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(p_76484_1_, i2, k1, k2, Blocks.leaves, this.metaLeaves);
for (k1 = 0; k1 < l; ++k1)
block = p_76484_1_.getBlock(p_76484_3_, p_76484_4_ + k1, p_76484_5_);
if (block.isAir(p_76484_1_, p_76484_3_, p_76484_4_ + k1, p_76484_5_) || block.isLeaves(p_76484_1_, p_76484_3_, p_76484_4_ + k1, p_76484_5_) || block.getMaterial() == Material.vine)
this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(p_76484_1_, p_76484_3_, p_76484_4_ + k1, p_76484_5_, Blocks.log, this.metaWood);
if (this.vinesGrow && k1 > 0)
if (p_76484_2_.nextInt(3) > 0 && p_76484_1_.isAirBlock(p_76484_3_ - 1, p_76484_4_ + k1, p_76484_5_))


so the vines can be repleaced by logs.



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