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I am working on a mod called Tiny Chest.


Its a Technic mod and would help people which do not like logistic pipes but want bufferchests.


Problem is i have 27 (maybe 36) differend chests and i do not want to add a 3 (maybe 4) blockids.


What does happen when i add more then 15 tiny chests to 1 blockid?


How can i add more than 15 Blocks to 1 id?


I read another thread but i do not really understand what they talking about.

Thanks for reading.



Ok. But you know that i have no clue wha this code doing!

I can copy paste it.

But no thanks. I want to understand/know what i am doing.


And i read the code of the enderstorage mod (it was an opensource mod)

And i didn't understand it.


I need someone who explain me what the code is doing.


Step by Step.


I have no packethandler because i do not understand what it is doing.

or how i can use it or what the code is saying.


So please explain it.



I'll try briefly describe what the pie code is doing.


type, pieces and rotation

are fields that are being saved and synchronized (= all logic to changes is placed on the server, the client only gets update packets).


is called from item which places the pie (not important for us now).


- when fired (when right clicked on a block; fired only on a server side) it removes one random pieces and forces TE to synchronize with the client (in




tells the server to create a packet and send it). in


lies the packet creation (we just fill NBT via our save method). the


handles when sync packet arrives - it unpacks a packet and set fields accordingly (pretty same as loading from a NBT saved on a harddrive).





are for saving/loading TE's status (type, pieces, rotation) on a server (mainly) when chunk gets unloaded/loaded.


some wiki articles related to this topic:


http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Containers_and_GUIs (inventory saving, synchronization is handled there by other means)


if you still don't understand, it could be because of my lousy english, in that case you'd have to wait for someone else to write a better explanation of this topic.

mnn.getNativeLang() != English

If I helped you please click on the "thank you" button.


I understand what you are writing. But that is not the problem.

I do not understand how the block talk to the tile.

Because the i do not see that the tile is connectet to the block.

But the block is connected to the tile.


I also want to make a basic abstract tile and the tiny chesttile should look like this:


public Tinychestoneslot extends TileEntityBasicTinyChest


    public Tinychestoneslot()


        super(inventoryname, slots);




I read now the forgetutorials.


the tile entity is a way that minecraft can store information in individual blocks, otherwise if you turned one furnace on then all furnaces would be linked to the same inventory and same with chests.

The Korecraft Mod


Kore i know what a tile does.


But i do not know how i can use a tile like eloraam use it for multiblocks.

Thats my trouble. And my knowledge about english are limited. So i have to troubles.



alright, eloraam uses the tileentity to do:

what block

what type of microblock

block bounds

material type


she puts this all in the write to NBT function in the tile class and then can use read from NBT to figure all the info out.

The Korecraft Mod


I know i have her source (1.2.5) but for me make it at the moment no sense.

She make it differend.

I also read the ic2 source and this is a little bit easier for me.

But things like rotation or metatiles are extremly hard for me.

I have to learn other things bevor i do something with it.


I am a try and error type.

If something makes errors i try to find the piece of it.



You do not need to answer i know now how it works.

xD crazy?


Jup. But i only need a push in the right way and the rest i get from alone!



Thanks for helping.

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